
2023 Nanjing Mayor's International Consultation Meeting

  On October 21st, 2023 Nanjing Mayor's International Consultation Meeting was held. This meeting is themed with "focusing on building an industrial science and technology innovation highland", focusing on how to accelerate the peak on the plateau of science and technology innovation, promote the speedy development of innovative industries, strengthen the main body of enterprise innovation, create a high-level talent gathering platform, and create an ecosystem that encourages innovation and tolerates failures, and other topics, inviting domestic and foreign experts and scholars, Entrepreneurs, stirring wisdom, sharing creative ideas, and discussing Nanjing to build industrial science and technology innovation plateau ideas and initiatives.

  Creating the main carrying area of industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence is the key support to deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Jiangsu, and to promote Nanjing to take the lead in scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

  At the meeting, Mayor Chen Zhichang systematically introduced Nanjing to take a pragmatic and solid innovation path, focusing on building industrial science and technology innovation highland work done and deficiencies, centered on the theme of the meeting, ask experts and scholars, listen to insights.

  The guests came from a wide range of fields including universities, industry associations, consulting organizations and enterprises. As representatives of well-known domestic universities, Huang Ru, President of Southeast University, Shan Zhongde, President of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Liu Yuanchun, President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Yang Kaizhong, Dean of the School of Applied Economics of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Liu Zhibiao, Dean of the Yangtze River Institute of Industrial Economics of Nanjing University, shared the latest situation of industrial science and technology innovation, cutting-edge thinking and practice cases from the professional point of view. Zhu Sendi, Honorary Director of the Expert Committee of China Machinery Industry Federation, Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee for the Construction of a Strong State of Manufacturing, Honorary Director of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Advisory Committee, Zhou Zixue, Executive Vice President of the China Electronic Information Industry Federation, Zhang Yongwei, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Electric Vehicle Association (C EVMA), and Zhou Yuan, Managing Director and Senior Partner of The Boston Consulting Group, gave full play to the role of industrial associations and Consulting organizations familiar with the industry, close to the unique advantages of the industry, for the construction of Nanjing with global influence of industrial science and technology innovation center of the main bearing area to take the pulse of the diagnosis, advice and suggestions. Stefan Hartung, Chairman of the Board of Bosch Group, An Gao Bo, President of Merck China, Li Jiuhu, General Manager of Nanjing Nanrui Jibao Electric Co. They expressed their views and spoke freely to gather wisdom and strength for Nanjing's scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

  In the exchange and discussion, it is believed that Nanjing has deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy in recent years, focused on shaping new momentum and new advantages for high-quality development, and achieved new improvements in the quality and efficiency of economic development, but there is still room for strengthening in the cultivation of strategic scientific and technological forces, the role of enterprise main body, the enhancement of the scale of the innovation industry, and the concentration of high-end resources and elements. It is recommended that Nanjing unswervingly promote new industrialization, comprehensively enhance R&D and innovation, advanced manufacturing, high-end industrial development, international openness and cooperation capabilities; strengthen the innovation capacity of enterprises, highlight the leading role of industry leaders, and drive the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to develop together; increase the promotion of intelligent manufacturing, accelerate the digital transformation of the economy and society; put talent in the priority position for the development of the city's quality attraction to gather talent, industrial talent to lead the industrial capital. Talent, industrial talent to lead the development of industrial capital; in the new development pattern and the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, anchoring strategic positioning, deep division of labor, and promote coordinated development; make full use of the advantages of science and technology resources, cultivate and grow the domestic demand-led strategic emerging industries; to promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial development in the direction of strengthening industrial finance, creating a platform for development, building an innovation ecosystem, and constructing a synergistic system; to strengthen the docking and cooperation with universities, talents and innovation resources, and accelerate the digital transformation of the economy and society. We will strengthen the docking cooperation with universities, talents and innovation resources, accelerate the transformation of excellent achievements, and enhance the international competitiveness of industries.

  The discussion of experts, scholars and entrepreneurs is highly targeted and instructive, which makes everyone more precise in grasping the trend of industrial science and technology innovation, more determined in pursuing the goal, and more pragmatic in planning the path.

  Chen Zhichang expressed his gratitude to all the guests. He said that Nanjing will seriously absorb the views and suggestions, maintain a high degree of focus, strengthen coordination, focus on building industrial science and technology innovation highland, and continue to enhance the development of kinetic energy; adhere to the open thinking, and actively learn from the experience of advanced cities, and unswervingly promote the opening up of the high level; enhance the resilience of the work, anchored in the goal of a long time, and continue to improve the scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism; cultivate a culture of innovation, and cultivate innovative genes, to create a good innovation ecosystem for building a global influence of industrial science and technology innovation center main bearing area. Cultivate a culture of innovation, cultivate innovative genes, and create a good innovation ecology for the main carrying area of the industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence. We hope that all the guests will continue to care about and support the high-quality development of Nanjing, and work together to create a better future.
