
Layout of the future, strive to blow the industry "rallying cry"

  By 2025, it is planned to realize the annual production capacity of energy storage batteries and systems to reach 25GWh, the industrial output value of the whole industrial chain of the new energy storage industry to exceed 15 billion yuan, to attract more than five local leading enterprises, and to cultivate a number of specialized and special new enterprises in niche fields. ...... On September 22, during the Nanjing Golden Fair, Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone held a new energy industry development Matchmaking meeting, the scene released "Lishui new energy storage industry development planning points", to promote the chain of institutions, enterprises, etc., to talk about industrial cooperation and seek green development.

  The plan proposes to deepen the development model of "one district, one product", take Lishui Economic Development Zone as the main park, give full play to the industrial support, scientific research and innovation, photovoltaic power generation, heavy-duty trucks switching and other resource advantages of Lishui Economic Development Zone, and integrate the functional areas of new energy-related materials and equipment of Yongyang Street, Honglan Street, Dongping Street, as well as the demonstration functional area of Jingqiao Town, with a focus on creating It focuses on creating a province-leading and nationally recognized new energy storage industry cluster, a new energy storage collaborative innovation area and a new energy storage demonstration and application highland.

  "New energy storage refers to new energy storage technologies other than pumped storage, including new lithium-ion batteries, liquid flow batteries, flywheels, compressed air, hydrogen (ammonia) energy storage, cold (hot) energy storage, etc." Planning unit expert Hao Jing introduced, at present, the main types of energy storage power plant in Jiangsu mainly includes new energy distribution and storage - power side energy storage, independent (shared) energy storage, user-side energy storage, as well as grid-side energy storage. Many places in the country have begun to shift their attention to the energy storage industry, and in the six future industry tracks laid out by Nanjing, Lishui District is an important industry cluster for the energy storage and hydrogen energy track.

  Lishui Economic Development Zone is the main position of Lishui's future layout. The new energy automobile industry, which is vigorously cultivated in the park, has been linked with the energy storage industry, laying a better foundation for industrial development. Focusing on new energy storage materials and equipment, energy storage cores and systems, vehicle power exchange and other aspects of the introduction of a number of leading enterprises, industrial resources here to speed up the agglomeration of a number of energy storage projects are also being synchronized. Laying a good foundation and accumulating strength, Lishui Economic Development Zone is waiting for an excellent time.

  Happily, the industrial and commercial energy storage market on the user side has shown strong vitality. Industrial and commercial power consumption has a large energy consumption, high electricity prices, fluctuations and other characteristics, industrial and commercial owners access to energy storage can not only through the demand management, dynamic capacity increase to save electricity, but also meet the important load of uninterrupted power supply, to avoid the production and operation of the production and business risks brought about by the power limit, to reduce losses. Even the commercial and industrial owners access to energy storage can also be additional profit through the power peaks and valleys, demand-side response, virtual grid and other ways.

  "At present, the investment hotspot of domestic user-side energy storage is concentrated in Zhejiang and Guangdong. Jiangsu's peak tariff does not belong to the first echelon, and if the policy is increased, there will be higher development potential in the future." Yang Fan, vice president of Jiangsu Power Supply Company, said that Jiangsu has determined that the peak tariffs are implemented throughout the day in July, August, December and January each year, and no longer according to the previous peak tariffs above 35 ℃ and below -3 ℃, which improves the rate of return of the peak and valley arbitrage energy storage.

  With the close layout of the upper antenna and the accelerated landing of the lower ground, Lishui Economic Development Zone is fully supporting the development and application of the energy storage industry. In April this year, the province's first "government and enterprise joint processing, multi-market entity participation, service process integration" smart energy service center was inaugurated in Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone, in which the administrative approval and "LiDianTong" grid-connected service green channel was set up to carry out one-on-one "energy efficiency + energy storage" service for enterprises. One-to-one "energy efficiency + energy storage" service.

  At present, Nanjing Longxin Electronics and other 12 enterprises and the State Grid Jiangsu Comprehensive Energy Company and other 6 intelligent energy service providers to reach cooperation, investment construction, operation and management of energy storage projects, "one household one policy" clear energy storage upgrade application program.

  Cultivating new energy industry, Lishui Economic Development Zone runs on two legs. Along with the energy storage track, there is also a hydrogen energy track.

  With the successive release of "Lishui District Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan" and "Policies Related to Supporting the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry in Lishui District", Lishui has clearly defined the development strategy of creating an international hydrogen energy innovation and technology industrial park, an advanced service support platform for hydrogen energy, as well as an advanced energy application demonstration axis and a comprehensive application demonstration axis for hydrogen energy, and a multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional application demonstration in the whole area.

  Seizing the opportunity of industrial development and forward-looking industrial layout, Lishui Economic Development Zone has actively introduced a number of energy storage enterprises such as lead carbon and zinc bromine, and a number of hydrogen energy enterprises such as Yingbo Lupu; Kaiwo's Hydrogen Creation slagging trucks, Jinlong's Hydrogen Creation buses, and Longbang Science and Technology's 1,000-substandard-square-foot electrolytic tanks have been rolled out; and major projects such as Xinwangda's source network and load storage and Yunhai Metal's hydrogen storage are being accelerated. In the future, Lishui Economic Development Zone will continue to work hard and make practical moves in the hydrogen energy and energy storage upstream and downstream industry chain to strengthen the chain and extend the chain to make up the chain, and strive to exceed 10 billion yuan of industry scale by 2025 through three years.
