
Nanjing Medical University

Nanjing Medical University is a national "double first-class" construction universities, the first batch of the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, the Ministry of Education, the construction of high-level public health colleges and universities, Jiangsu high-level university construction of the peak program of the construction of class A construction universities. The university was founded in 1934 as Jiangsu Provincial Medical College, and was renamed as National Jiangsu Medical College during the war period. 1957, the university was moved from Zhenjiang to Nanjing and renamed as Nanjing Medical College. 1962, the university was listed as one of the first six-year medical colleges and universities in China, and in 1981, it was approved to be one of the first doctoral and master's degree-granting units in China. 1993, the university was renamed as Nanjing Medical University.

  The school has built Jiangning Campus and Wutai Campus, and there are more than 1900 faculty members in the main campus. There are 7 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Academy of Sciences (including workstations), 1 foreign academician of National Academy of Medicine of the United States of America, 2 members of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and more than 100 national high-level talents. The school has 6 national teaching teams, among which, 2 are selected as "Huang Dainian-style teacher teams in national universities"; there is a national curriculum demonstration team of ideology and politics, the Ministry of Education "innovation team" 1, 3 national innovation research groups.

  The university has 8 first-level doctoral degree authorization points, 54 second-level doctoral degree authorization points, 5 cross-disciplinary doctoral degree authorization points and 2 professional doctoral degree authorization points; 11 first-level master's degree authorization points, 65 second-level master's degree authorization points; 6 postdoctoral research stations, and the degree authorization points cover the 7 disciplines of medicine, science, engineering, management, law, education and literature; it has 3 national key disciplines, 1 national key (cultivation) discipline, 29 national clinical key specialties and 6 superior disciplines in Jiangsu universities (Phase III). It has 3 national key disciplines, 1 national key (cultivation) discipline, 29 national key clinical specialties, and 6 advantageous disciplines in Jiangsu universities (Phase III). In the new round of national disciplinary assessment of the overall strength of steady progress; 12 disciplines ranked in the ESI global ranking of the top 1%, of which, the discipline of clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology disciplines ranked in the ESI global ranking of the top 1‰.

  The university has 19 colleges (including one independent second-level college), 25 undergraduate majors, 3 bachelor's (master's) and doctoral degree programs, and 3 "5+3" bachelor's and master's degree programs, with a total of nearly 20,000 students. The school has been selected as the base of Ministry of Education's Basic Discipline Top Students Cultivation Program 2.0, and the national first-class undergraduate majors account for nearly 80% of the total number of majors in the school, and there are a large number of national teaching platforms and curriculum resources. The school's enrollment, training and employment work has been widely praised by all walks of life, with the pass rate of graduates in the licensing examination for medical practitioners ranking the forefront of similar institutions in China, and the employment rate of graduates consistently maintained at more than 96%.

  The university has more than 30 national and provincial key laboratories (engineering research centers and innovation centers), such as National Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine and Offspring Health, International Joint Research Center for Environment and Human Health, and Provincial-Ministerial Collaborative Innovation Center for Individualized Tumor Medicine. It also has a first-class medical simulation education center and Jiangsu Provincial Medical Animal Experiment Base, and the only provincial health policy think tank in the province - Jiangsu Provincial Health Research Institute. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the university has undertaken nearly 100 major national scientific research projects, such as the National Key Research and Development Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China Key and Major Projects, and Innovative Research Group Projects, which have resulted in a number of national, provincial and ministerial awards represented by the Second Prize of the National Natural Science, and the scientific research results have been published in the top journals, such as Nature, Science and so on. The scientific research results have been published in Nature, Science and other top journals.

  The university adheres to the principle of "open door", and has established various forms of contacts and cooperation with all levels of governments, domestic and foreign universities, research institutions and social organizations. The university has established good strategic cooperation and academic exchange relationships with medical schools or research institutions in the United States, Russia, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Japan and other countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

  During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the university adheres to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide, focuses on first-class disciplines, first-class affiliated hospitals and first-class conditions for running schools, concentrates its efforts, coordinates and implements measures, pioneers and innovates, and reforms and attacks, and endeavors to build a first-class, internationally renowned, high-level research-based medical university in China.
