

Grasping projects is grasping development.

To seek projects is to seek the future.

January 29, according to the Nanjing Municipal Development and Reform Commission news, 2023, the city to major industrial projects as the focus, reserve projects to grasp the transformation, signing projects to grasp the start of construction, the start of the project to grasp the completion of the project, according to the monthly sunshine, "dragon and tiger list", the city's major industrial projects.Provincial and municipal major projects have exceeded their annual investment targetsThe

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44 provincial major projects, the annual completion of investment up to 116.1% of the annual planned investment, exceeding the annual plan by 16.1 percentage pointsAll 13 planned new projects have been started and 2 reserve projects have been realized.

491 municipal major projects, the annual completion of investment up to 104.1% of the annual planned investment, exceeding the annual plan by 4.1 percentage points.All 84 planned new projects have been started. 16 of the 47 projects have been started, and 1 of the 63 preliminary projects has been started.

In 2024, the city will continue to make concerted efforts, overcome difficulties and work hard to promote the early implementation of the project, so as to provide solid support for the consolidation and enhancement of the economic upturn to a positive trend.
