
Chen Zhichang Leads Nanjing Delegation on a Study Visit in France

  Mountains and seas are not far away, hand in hand to the future. From November 16 to 18, local time, Mayor Chen Zhichang led a Nanjing delegation to visit France. During the visit, Chen Zhichang participated in the China-Nanjing-France-Paris Industry Cooperation and Exchange Conference and delivered a speech to promote, had talks and exchanges with French biomedical enterprises, visited BNP Paribas, Allianz Insurance Group, Valeo Group, Dassault Systèmes, and Kayent Group, and paid visits to the Chinese Embassy in France and the Consulate General in Strasbourg.

  The China-Nanjing-France-Paris Industrial Cooperation and Exchange Meeting held in Paris invited many famous multinational companies, executives of financial institutions, representatives of universities, R&D institutions and innovative entrepreneurial talents to discuss cooperation and seek common development. Chen Zhichang welcomed all the guests attending the meeting and expressed his gratitude to people from all walks of life who have long been concerned about and supported the development of Nanjing. He said that the good development of French-funded enterprises in Nanjing has benefited from the long-term mutual trust and benefit between China and France and the rapid development of economic globalization, as well as the "big environment" and the "small environment" of Nanjing's superimposed development opportunities and excellent business environment. Nanjing has perfect industrial support, abundant human resources, convenient transportation and logistics, perfect open functions, efficient government services, internationalized urban environment, and we hope to focus on key areas such as scientific and technological innovation, strategic emerging industries, modern service industry, green development, etc., to further explore the potential for cooperation, expand the space for cooperation, stimulate the kinetic energy of cooperation, and work hard to achieve mutual benefit and win-win development. Development. On the scene of the event, the heads of enterprises and organizations such as Valeo Group, BNP Paribas, Unital, Paris Region SME Union exchanged speeches, and a number of industrial projects were signed on the spot.

  The development level of French biomedical industry is at the forefront of Europe, which is of reference significance to the development of Nanjing's biomedical industry. At the symposium of French biomedical enterprises, Chen Zhichang had in-depth exchanges with representatives of relevant organizations, enterprises and international students.
He said that in recent years, the industrial ecology in the field of biomedicine in Nanjing has become more and more perfect, accelerated the agglomeration of business subjects, and innovative achievements have been emerging, and he expects more French biomedicine enterprises to invest in Nanjing, more French scientific research forces to jointly innovate with Nanjing, and more biomedicine specialists, scholars and international students to innovate and start business in Nanjing, so as to push forward more developmental achievements to be landed in Nanjing. Heads of participating organizations and enterprises said that they will continuously increase innovation, research and development and investment cooperation in the field of biomedicine, and strive to achieve mutual benefits and common development.

  Chen Zhichang came to the headquarters of BNP Paribas and had in-depth exchanges with the chairman of the board, Mr. Le Mingham. He said that BNP Paribas is an important strategic partner of Bank of Nanjing, and the two sides have worked closely together for many years and achieved remarkable results. We hope to further deepen the strategic cooperation, expand the business scope, optimize the resource layout, and create more mutually beneficial and win-win results. Mr. Lemingham said that he looked forward to further deepening and expanding the cooperation with Bank of Nanjing and striving to achieve a higher level of development. During the meeting with Mr. Oberg, Vice President of Allianz Insurance Group, Mr. Chen Zhichang hoped that the two sides would develop cooperation and development space in more fields based on the principle of complementary advantages and mutual benefits.
  Oberg said, very optimistic about the development prospects of the insurance industry in Nanjing, will further dig deeper into the potential for cooperation, co-ordination of business layout, for Nanjing to build an important financial center to provide assistance. During the discussion and exchange with Valeo Group's Senior Vice President of Communications and Investment Relations Mafaron, Dassault Systèmes' Executive Vice President Philippe Lauver, and Kering Group's Deputy CEO Diplé, Chen Zhichang welcomed the enterprises to actively participate in the construction of Nanjing's industrial powerhouse and international consumption center city, to continuously expand the scale of cooperation, expand the field of cooperation, and improve the level of cooperation, to actively introduce more cutting-edge technologies and innovative resources, and to promote the development of Automotive parts, industrial software, well-known consumer brands and other high-quality projects and businesses to expand the layout in Nanjing, and work together to achieve win-win development.

  During their stay in France, Chen Zhichang and his delegation visited the Chinese Ambassador to France, Mr. Lu Shano, and the Consul General in Strasbourg, Mr. Pan Yumin.
