
Chen Zhichang special investigation of key industrial project construction

February 20, mayor Chen Zhichang special research key industrial project construction. He stressed that we should deeply implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Jiangsu, fully implement the city's new industrialization and industrial city to promote the deployment of the General Assembly requirements, pay close attention to the key projects, do a good job of service and protection, to accelerate the construction of industrial city, to provide more solid support for the city's high-quality development. City leaders Liu Wei, Wu Wei, Huang Hui respectively.

In the North Metallurgy high temperature alloy and high-end metal functional materials production project, Chen Zhichang looked at the construction situation, asked for suggestions and demands, and hoped that the enterprise to speed up the construction progress, put into operation as soon as possible, and promote more scientific research results in the transformation of Ningbo, and better help the development of new materials industry in Nanjing. He urged the relevant departments and boards to be forward to do a good job in service, to provide strong protection for project construction and enterprise development.

Nanjing is accelerating to build a new energy industry highland, focusing on perfecting the industrial chain and enlarging the scale of the industry. Chen Zhichang came to Nanjing Longdian Huaxin high-performance ultra-thin copper foil materials project, and the relevant person in charge of in-depth exchanges, I hope that the enterprise focus on niche areas, increase innovation research and investment, and continue to enhance the scale of enterprises and product competitiveness. Learning that BYD's annual output of 840,000 sets of drive motors and electric assembly core parts project has reached full production, Chen Zhichang encouraged the enterprise to grasp the opportunities for the development of new energy vehicles, adhere to the development of innovation, and continue to expand production capacity, and to promote more high-quality resources in the landing in Ningbo, and promote the development of new energy industry in Nanjing.

Baowu magnesium industry is the city's key cultivation of headquarters enterprises, listed enterprises. "How is the progress of project construction?" "What are the problems that need to be solved?" Chen Zhichang came to Baowu magnesium industry annual output of 60,000 tons of magnesium, aluminum alloy die-casting project, asked in detail about the development of enterprises, project promotion. He hoped that the enterprise to play a good headquarter enterprise advantages, promote upstream and downstream enterprises to collaborate and support, and strive to extend the industrial chain, improve the added value; at the same time, greater efforts to promote the "wisdom to change the number of network connection", and strive to achieve high-end, intelligent, green development.

Research, Chen Zhichang stressed that all departments at all levels to focus on key objectives and tasks, the development of the manufacturing industry to the position of top priority, adhere to scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation in the same direction, and vigorously promote the "number of real integration", to promote the industrial chain to strengthen the chain to supplement the chain to extend the chain, and fully promote the new type of industrialization.

To grasp the project construction recruitment, focus on the nodes, scheduling, timely coordination to solve the difficulties and blockages, to ensure that the project is efficient and orderly progress; focus on attracting a number of large projects, good projects, and effectively a number of incremental projects to support the construction of new breakthroughs in industrial power city.

To improve the quality of service enterprises, strengthen the coordination and scheduling of elemental resources, enhance the "land that is started" "completion that is delivered" proportion of projects, and smooth feedback channels for enterprise demands, to create a first-class environment for the construction of industrial power city.
