
The two plums of the Great Cold bloom together, quietly waiting for the spring to spring beautifully!

At the beginning of the new year 2024.

The plum blossoms in the Fu Jiabian Scenic Area are already in bud.


The first plum blossoms of the year came into full bloom in the midst of the great cold snap.

There is also a hint of early spring in the air.

Two Plums Bloom Together

Fu Jiabian scenic area of white plum first bloom, the variety of plum flower petals white as jade, light and airy, as if a butterfly dancing in the branches.

Who is the first one to ask about the fragrance, the wax plum flower crowns the fragrance of hundreds of flowers. With the first wave of early plum can not wait to quietly bloom, Fu Jiabian scenic area in the wax plum also entered the bloom period, golden flowers like small bells hanging upside down on the branches, fragrant, double plum with the bloom of the limited edition of the beauty of the line.

With the first batch of plum blossom this year, Fu Jiabian scenic area of red plum has also been bud spitting, let us look forward to the full bloom period.

When the plum orchard is in full bloom

everyone who goes out looks at the flowers

Suddenly, the fragrance of the night is sent out, and it is scattered as the spring of ten thousand miles in the Qiankun. When the plum blossoms bloom at will, Lishui Fu Jiabian ten miles of plum forest flowers such as tide, cloud vaporization, flowers full of mountains, and the small travel together to review the plum blossom blooming scene in previous years~.

The soft wind and fragrance stay, the tide of people flocking to enjoy the plum, walking in the spring of Lishui, melting into the scarlet.

Plum Blossom Hill in Fu Jiabian is especially characterized by "Night Plum", fluorescent walkway, Poetry Avenue, Plum Good Love Tunnel, Plum Garden, Plum Plaza and other creative hit points, so that the public tourists feel the charm of plum blossoms in the light and shadow.

The Qinhuai Plum Garden is different from the Fu Jiabian Plum Forest's blossom into a sea, more points of garden-like elegance, all kinds of garden landscape dotted with them, the dark fragrance floating, refreshing the heart.
