
Developing new quality productivity! Lishui Enterprise Talk ......

New quality productivity was a high-frequency word at this year's National People's Congress March 11 Lishui District organizes key industry leading enterprisesSymposium on Optimizing Business Environment Face-to-face demands, practical solutions to problems All-out efforts to build a first-class business environmentAccelerating the development of new quality productivity

At the meeting, the representatives of various enterprises on the business environment, policy support and other aspects of the development of the demands and suggestions, and around the cultivation and development of the new quality of productivity to talk about views and feelings.

Nanjing Chang'an Automobile Co.  

XI Qingzhi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. said that under the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, new modes, new industries, and new kinetic energy have been spawned. The core of developing new quality productivity lies in science and technology innovation. As a national 5G+ factory, Nanjing Changan will continue to improve the level of digitalized production and operation, promote continuous breakthroughs in key core technologies such as batteries and chips, and play a role in fostering the development of new quality productivity with Changan's power.

Kaiwu New Energy Automobile Group Co.  

Tang Jun, Director of Operation and Assurance Center of Kaiwu New Energy Vehicle Group Co., Ltd. said that the new quality productivity, new in innovation, quality in high-quality development. Kaiwu will continue to make efforts in product innovation and business innovation, strengthen product productivity, continue to develop and promote unmanned products, optical storage and supercharging projects, and gradually improve the quality and quality of products with advanced and intelligent manufacturing technology and innovative product design, so as to contribute to the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry.

Nanjing Xinwanda New Energy Co.  

Mr. Liu Zhiwei, head of government affairs of Nanjing Xinda New Energy Co., Ltd. said that the development of new quality productivity is the trend, advantage and mission. XINWODA will seize the opportunity, continue to focus on the main channel of power battery, provide competitive and scenario-based power battery solutions for the new energy industry, increase innovation and R&D efforts, develop and manufacture energy storage technology products that satisfy all kinds of users and adapt to more scenarios and modes, and actively promote the high-end, intelligent and green industry to realize green development.

District Development and Reform Commission  

At the meeting, the District Development and Reform Commission focused on the overall situation of the 2024 Optimizing Business Environment Implementation Rules preparation and on-site to solicit the views of enterprises. "Optimizing the business environment is to help develop new quality productivity an important measure, the program mainly from the government environment, market environment, humanistic environment, the rule of law environment, four aspects, detailed 20 specific initiatives." District Development and Reform Commission deputy director Hu Chenggen said that the program is currently in the stage of soliciting opinions, will absorb the views of key enterprises after theAccelerate the introduction of the Implementation Rules for Optimizing Business Environment in Lishui District 2024, comprehensively stimulate the vitality of market players and innovation momentum, and cultivate new quality productivity, serving and empowering industries to develop at a high quality level.
