
Around Xuanwu Lake, continues to be new

Following the success of the Yangtze River Road into a national night-time culture and tourism consumption agglomeration area, this year, Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, once again focusing on the area around the Xuanwu Lake.Creating a cultural and tourism consumption cluster around Xuanwu LakeIn addition, through the establishment of alliances to cohesion, the initiative "festival" to activate the kinetic energy, in the "good scenery" in the gold "good prospects".

Empowered by Diverse Scenes and Booming Consumption

Around Xuanwu Lake even more

The "gold" in "more than a scenic spot"


Create another cultural and tourism cluster

Xuanwu Lake Scenic Spot as Nanjing's tourism card

It has always held the "traffic" trump card.

From September to November this year, the Xuanwu Lake scenic area, the total flow of more than 3.6 million people, compared with the same period last year, an increase of more than 60%. and the flow of people to match the heat, is a more perfect business support, leisure neighborhoods, commercial complexes, exhibition halls and theaters, hotels and restaurants around the lake, one-stop to meet the needs of food, accommodation, travel, tourism, entertainment, purchase of multi-factors.

How to Retain Traffic

Turn it into spending power?

As early as 2020, Xuanwu District has been in the Yangtze River Road pilot - to the Yangtze River Road cultural and tourism cluster construction as a "fist", systematic integration of cultural, commercial and tourism resources along the street, driven by consumption enhancement, industrial upgrading.

Drawing on the experience of the successful creation of the Yangtze River Road into a national night-time culture and tourism consumption cluster area, in May this year, Xuanwu District once again started the construction of the Xuanwu Lake Culture and Tourism Consumption Cluster Area.

The agglomeration area consists of the core scenic area of Xuanwu Lake and the surrounding area of Xuanwu Lake.It includes cultural and exposition venues such as the Shenze Gate and the Paleontology Museum, humanistic spaces such as Nanjing's "Living Room of World Literature" and Wendu Xuanwumen, as well as commercial complexes such as the Jinling STYLE Romantic Center, the National Exhibition Center's SPACE Vitality Block, the Nanjing Commercial Mansion, and the Kathryn Plaza.


"Breaking down" and "integrating" with alliances

Around the Xuanwu Lake culture and tourism consumption agglomeration area to start the construction of the day, by the Nanjing Xuanwu Lake around the Comprehensive Management Office (hereinafter referred to as "Xuanwu Lake comprehensive management office") lead around the lake area of the 25 cultural and commercial tourism units, jointly initiated around the Xuanwu Lake Culture and Tourism Consumption Development Alliance was formally established.


In July this year, focusing on the night economy, the Union planned to carry out the YE Beauty Starlight Festival around the lake, launched eight "night programs" and carried out a number of "night activities" to enrich the supply of nighttime cultural tourism consumption;

In August, a "lake BA" so that the cultural and tourism units and law enforcement units on the same stage, in the basketball tournament out of the "common governance";

In September, coinciding with the start of the school season, the Alliance planned the autumn beauty of the lake - the opening of the "new" festival, through the "four autumn" theme activities, so that the autumn tour around the lake to play updated;

In December, the Xuanwu Lake once again threw out "new topics", released the theme of winter warmth around the lake to welcome the New Year's Day, alliance members have responded.

vision (of the future)

From landscape to economic belt

Data set

Enough to prove the "gold" of the cluster.


Around the lake autumn beauty - open "new" festival period, the Red Mountain Forest Zoo to carry out the "Nature Life Festival", the flow of people over the same period increased 20%; Nanjing Commercial Building to carry out the fall "Wedding Fair ", wedding product sales of more than 16 million yuan, up 40% over the same period; Nanjing International Art Coffee Festival first into the South Square of Nanjing Railway Station, the total turnover of more than one million yuan; Jinling STYLE neighborhood Michelin "Star Tour Festival" only 2 hours after the opening of the market, the turnover of a single stall broke the ten thousand yuan! ......

In addition to sizable foot traffic, spending power, theIt broadens the space for sustainable development even more.

Coffee Festival, four or five foreign coffee enterprises to reach a preliminary intention, is expected to land in Nanjing development; debut Michelin "Star Tour Festival" Michelin restaurant brand persimmon edge, but also in the layout of the new store in Deji Plaza.

Around the construction of the agglomeration area "the same force", before New Year's Day, with the completion of the Longbang Road Nanjing Station section of the green landscape renewal project, the South Plaza waterfront platform will also be completely "open", transformed into a lake to enjoy the scenery, sitting and resting in the shared space.

Beginning at the lagoon
But not just around the lake.

From the Scenic Belt to the Economic Belt

This place is changing.
