
Accelerate the construction of livable and beautiful villages and explore the new practice of "ten million projects" in Lishui.

  On the morning of January 4, Lishui District held a conference on learning from the experience of "Ten Million Projects", accelerating the construction of livable and beautiful villages and ecological environmental protection as the first conference in 2024, with the purpose of combining the theme of education, learning and implementing Xi Jinping's idea of ecological civilization, fully implementing the requirements of the deployment of the relevant meetings of the province and the city, mobilizing The whole district will study and apply the experience of Zhejiang "Ten Million Project", grasp the key points, make up for the short boards, promote the advantages and create characteristics, accelerate the construction of livable and beautiful countryside, and strive to explore the new practice of "Ten Million Project" Lishui. Zhang Yun, secretary of the district party committee, presided over by Miao Xiumei, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Zhang Wei, chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, Tai Lunhao, deputy secretary of the district party committee, Xia Yun, deputy secretary of the district party committee, the district government in charge of the leadership to participate in the provincial Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Office of the first Commissioner Office of the relevant comrades responsible for the guidance to the meeting.

  The "Thousand Villages Demonstration, Ten Thousand Villages Rectification" project is a major decision that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed and promoted when he was working in Zhejiang, and the "Ten Thousand Project" has profoundly changed the face of Zhejiang's rural areas for more than 20 years, and drawn a modern version of the "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains". The project has profoundly changed the rural landscape of Zhejiang over the past 20 years, created a modern version of the "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", and explored the scientific path of building a beautiful China.

Zhang Yun in his speech centered on in-depth study of the "ten million project" experience, and strive to explore the "ten million project" Lishui new practice, put forward four aspects of opinion:

  First, a deep understanding of the essence of the "ten million project" connotation.Fully understand the historical significance, theoretical significance, practical significance of the "Ten Million Project", not only to "study its surface, learn its shape", but also to "study its inside, understand its God", learn its sincere and deep For the people's feelings, learn its ecological priority development concept, learn its pragmatic problem-oriented, learn its systematic concept of the overall situation, learn its long-term strategic determination, and finally learn the essence of the essence, learn the power to move forward.

  Secondly, we should learn from the experience and practice of the "Ten Million Project".In the benchmarking with advanced regions in Zhejiang, we can recognize our own deficiencies in all aspects, learn from others' strengths and make up for our own shortcomings, benchmark development concepts, make up for the shortcomings of "not broad thinking"; benchmark the scale of industry, make up for the shortcomings of "not strong"; benchmark the rural environment, make up for the shortcomings of "not high quality"; benchmark the livelihood cause, find the position of development, make clear the way forward, and create a new situation for rural revitalization in Lishui.

  (c) Accelerating the exploration and practice of the "Ten Million Project".Formulate and implement the "ten major actions" of the "ten million project" Lishui new practice in the new era, and promote the experience of the "ten million project" to be effective in Lishui.First, focus on rural planning, environmental remediation, culture and tourism integration "three tasks", showing the characteristics of the rural landscape.Rural planning can not be "hung on the wall", to promote "multi-planning", "multi-diagram", to achieve the full coverage of planning and development of village planning. Environmental remediation can not be "floating on the surface", in-depth promotion of rural housing conditions to improve the action, strengthen the integrated operation of sewage treatment. The integration of culture and tourism can not "stop on paper", in-depth excavation of historical and cultural resources, strengthen the deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, so that culture becomes the endogenous power of rural development.Secondly, focusing on "one district and multiple gardens", industry and village, the transformation of the results of the "three keys", growing the scale of rural industry."One area with multiple gardens" highlights the "leading" drive, giving full play to the demonstration and driving role of the Nanjing National Agricultural High-Tech Zone, and building each segment of the Agricultural Park into an agricultural high-tech zone, building "one area with multiple gardens "The mechanism of synergistic development has been constructed. "Strong industry village" to realize the "both ends" extension, do a good job "food head food tail" "agricultural head work tail" article. "Transformation of results" to stimulate the "source" of vitality, the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements as a top priority, to accelerate the formation of "science and technology - industry - finance "virtuous cycle.Third, focusing on resource revitalization, delivery and postal fast supply, service optimization "three key points", polishing the brand of urban-rural integration.Wake up the resource "sleeping variables", solidly promote the "four types of resources" revitalization program, do a good job in the rural collective management of construction land into the market pilot, the formation of revitalization of the "physical volume". Doing logistics "parcel single volume", accelerate the "delivery and postal fast supply" district logistics center construction, open up the agricultural products into the city "the first kilometer" and consumer goods to the countryside The "last kilometer". Improve the "quality of supply" of services, deepen the construction of group-run schools and regional medical communities, promote the extension of "one thing at a time" to villages and communities, and implement the action of assisting the elderly with meals and enhancing the collective economy of villages to improve the sense of achievement of the masses.Fourth, focusing on party building leadership, fine network micro grid, digital empowerment "three support", to create suburban "good governance" model.Implementing the grass-roots party building demonstration and leadership plan, optimizing and upgrading the functions of party service centers, and turning branches into "fortresses". Deepen the "fine network micro-grid" project, tighten and strengthen the leadership's responsibility for solving cases, improve the ability to find problems and solve them, and turn the grid into an "outpost". Deepen the provincial digital village pilot construction, so that the governance to "wisdom".

  Fourth, strive to hand over the "ten million project" excellent answer sheet.With reference to the "Four Ones" working mechanism in Zhejiang, the work initiatives have been fully refined to achieve the "Three Preventive Measures".Progressive and determined to prevent a "flurry of activity".One year after another, one thing after another, one term after another, and it will take five to eight years to realize the full coverage of the construction of livable and beautiful villages.(a) Adapting to local conditions and resolutely preventing "one size fits all".The zoning and categorization of clear objectives and tasks, without marching in unison, to leave more legacies and no regrets.(a) To act within its means and to prevent "one size fits all".Both fully respect the wishes of the masses, but also in line with the actual development of rural areas, the formation of "party leadership, government-led, farmers, the main body, departmental collaboration, social participation" of the lively situation, and promote the construction of beautiful countryside to achieve significant results.  Zhang Yun requirements, the whole region up and down to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the work of Jiangsu important speeches, conscientiously implement the provincial and municipal deployment of the requirements, bearing in mind the mandate, thanksgiving and strive to progress, a profound answer to the "ten million project" "what to learn, what to make up for, what to do, what to prevent? "major propositions, write the "Remembering Jiangnan" Lishui chapter, let the people's life "red over fire", let the countryside look "green as blue", let the history of "Jiangnan is good! "to make the historical "Jiangnan good", to become the "good Jiangnan" in the new era, to carefully depict the new picture scroll of the source of Qinhuai, and to add color to the construction of the new era of modern suburban new city.  On the implementation of the spirit of this meeting, Miao Xiu Mei emphasized that the whole district should further improve the political position, learn to use the "ten million project" experience and practice. First, the standard table, live and learn. Combined with the actual situation of the district situation of agriculture, to find deficiencies, make a list of problems, and strive to make up for the gap. The second is to stabilize the focus and overcome the difficulties. Focus on industrial prosperity, ecological livability, effective governance, living a rich life and other key tasks, refine the work initiatives. The third is to keep the right and innovation, push forward the new. Strengthen the planning leadership, deepen the integration of urban and rural areas, and strive to create a livable and beautiful countryside Lishui brand.  At the meeting, Jingqiao Town, Wucunqiao Village of Hefeng Town, District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Lishui Ecological Environment Bureau, and District Environment Group made exchange speeches. The meeting was held in the form of a video conference, and the development zone and towns (streets) set up sub-fields.
