
Leveraging Shanghai-Nanjing medical cooperation to help "Li" health care development

  From December 9 to 10, "Shanghai Famous Doctors Lishui Tour" was successfully held. More than 50 medical experts from Shanghai Nantong Famous Doctors Promotion Association gathered in Lishui, bringing cutting-edge medical technology, famous doctors' resources and medical solutions, holding a conference on the high-quality development of Shanghai-Nanjing healthcare integration, reaching strategic cooperation on medical resources, and promoting the upgrading of the level of Lishui's healthcare services. The strategic cooperation of medical resources was reached to promote the upgrading of Lishui's medical services. Han Liming, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Committee and secretary of Nanjing Municipal Committee, met with Li Yiping, vice chairman of the 13th CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee and deputy secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Fan Jia, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, and other experts of the Shanghai Famous Doctors Lishui Tour. Mr. Sun Baijun, vice mayor of Nanjing, Mr. Zhang Yun, secretary of Lishui District Committee, Mr. Xia Haiming, director of Nanjing Municipal Health Commission and party secretary of Gulou Hospital, Mr. Miao Xiumei, mayor of Lishui District, and leaders of Lishui District such as Mr. Xia Yun, Ms. Fei Lili, Mr. Xu Xinzhou, and Mr. Xu Rixi, attended the meeting.

  On the morning of the 10th, the Shanghai-Nanjing Medical Integration High Quality Development Conference was held in Lishui, focusing on the high-quality development of Shanghai-Nanjing medical and health care, giving deeper play to the role of talent and resource concentration, deepening Shanghai-Nanjing medical cooperation, complementing each other's strengths, combining strengths, and promoting the development of the Yangtze River Delta health integration. At the meeting, Lishui District People's Hospital and Fudan University Cancer Hospital signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides will give full play to the role of the telemedicine information system, jointly carry out consultation, consultation, guidance and inspection, assistance in diagnosis and other medical services, and promote the development of Shanghai's high-quality medical resources and the depth of integration of Lishui's medical resources.

  Li Yiping said in his speech that in recent years, Shanghai and Nanjing have been cooperating in more and more extensive fields, higher levels and newer ways, with broad prospects and great potential. This conference is a concrete action to carry out the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his visit to Shanghai and the spirit of the forum on promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, aiming at accelerating the integration and sharing of medical resources between the two places and bringing more benefits to the public. It is expected that both sides will explore new cooperation mechanisms in healthcare, discipline construction, talent training, etc., and provide new paradigms and models in the areas of in-depth docking of people's livelihood between Shanghai and Ningbo, balanced expansion of high-quality medical resources, and more benefits to people's well-being.

  Fan Jia said in his speech that Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University was approved as the first comprehensive national medical center construction project in China last year, and is currently playing a leading role in leading and demonstrating and striving for breakthroughs in science and technology innovation. This activity opens a new chapter of cooperation between Shanghai Nantong Famous Doctors Promotion Association and Lishui District, and will pay more attention to support Lishui, promote Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University to establish friendly cooperation with the majority of hospitals in Lishui, and endeavor to become a link between Shanghai and Nanjing for exchanges, and to contribute to the promotion of the development of medical careers in Nanjing and Lishui District.

  Sun Baijun pointed out in his speech that the well-known experts in the field of health in Shanghai came to visit and guide the development of health care in Nanjing, pointing out the way forward, and strongly promoting the high-quality development of public hospitals and management innovation in the field of health care. I implore the experts to give Nanjing health care reform and development of the pulse and prescriptions, pass on the experience, deepen the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, continue to strengthen the operation and management of hospitals, talent construction, scientific and technological innovation, play the role of public hospitals to support the leading role, enhance the people's sense of access to health care, satisfaction.

  On the afternoon of 9th, the expert group of "Shanghai famous doctors in Lishui" inspected the southern hospital area of Nanjing Gulou Hospital, Nanjing Yiyuan Center, and Yuyuan, etc., to experience the development results of Lishui's recreational industry on the spot. On the way, Zhang Yun introduced that the southern hospital of Nanjing Gulou Hospital is the key introduction of "strong specialties, large comprehensive" Grade 3A hospital in Lishui, which can meet the demand of the public for "famous hospitals" and "famous doctors". "Nanjing Care Center is the first and largest "Continuous Care Retirement Community" model pension center in the city, which creates a new model of "medical and nursing integration" together with Gulou Hospital South Campus. The experts fully affirmed that Lishui gives full play to its advantages and promotes the construction of recreation projects with innovative ideas.

  In her speech, Miao Xiumei briefly introduced the basic situation of Lishui with "four cities": humanistic ancient city, ecological green city, manufacturing new city and healthy city, and said that she would actively take the initiative to docking, strengthen the coordination and planning, explore the new pattern of regional integration and development, and create a new benchmark for Lishui in healthy China.

  At the meeting, Xu Jianguang, director of the UNESCO and Health Commission of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and president of Shanghai Physicians Association, Gu Feng, executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Yuan Zhenghong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University and secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Medical College, delivered speeches; leaders of famous hospitals in Shanghai, experts, and guests of the meeting made academic sharing and exchanges; and the Nanjing Municipal Commission of Health, and the Lishui District Commission of Health reported on the work of the municipalities and districts of healthcare, respectively.

  On the morning of 10th, more than 30 experts came into Lishui District People's Hospital to carry out activities such as public clinic, teaching room, MDT multidisciplinary consultation, etc. 8 experts were appointed as instructors of Lishui District People's Hospital to further improve the medical service capacity of Lishui District People's Hospital. Hundreds of patients came to the clinic, and the experts solved their doubts and put forward diagnosis and treatment plans and medical suggestions, involving hematology, gynecology, cardiology and other specialties. Shanghai Nantong Famous Doctors Association was established in 2012, is the liaison office of Nantong Municipal Government in Shanghai, Rui Ci Medical Group led the establishment of public welfare social organizations, with nearly 130 top experts in the field of health care in Shanghai from Fudan University, Jiaotong University, Tongji University and other universities, is a strong medical strength of the famous doctors team, and often carries out large-scale medical clinics across the country, academic exchanges, medical teaching, technical help The team is a strong team of renowned doctors who often carry out large-scale charity clinics, academic exchanges, medical teaching and technical support work nationwide.

  In recent years, Lishui District has been actively promoting comprehensive medical reform, gathering high-quality medical resources, including the construction of regional medical community into the national pilot, and the construction of grass-roots talent team selected as a national excellent case. With the completion and opening of Nanjing Gulou Hospital South Campus and Nanjing Nursing Center, and the cooperation with many famous hospitals such as Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Integrative Medicine and Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Hospital, the recreation and nursing pattern of "home-based, community-based, institutional supplementation, and integration of medical care" is accelerating in the whole district.
