
Overall financial competitiveness, seventh in the country

January 11

China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development Research Institute released

The 15th China Financial Center Index Report

(CDI CFCI 15) shows

As a domestic authoritative financial center evaluation index, the 15th CDI CFCI uses a system of indicators covering financial industry performance, financial institutions' strength, financial market scale and financial ecosystem to objectively evaluate the comprehensive competitiveness of major financial center cities in China, and many indicators of Nanjing ranked among the top in the country.

for the past few years

Nanjing to build an important financial center

Integration into the new development landscape

An important tool to enhance the city's top position

The overall competitiveness of the city's financial industry has steadily improvedMain indicators of the financial sector maintain rapid and healthy growth

Main indicators of the financial sector maintain rapid and healthy growth

As of the end of November 2023, Nanjing's financial institutions ranked first in absolute terms in terms of local and foreign currency deposit and loan balances, securities turnover, premium income and other major financial indicatorsNo. 1 in the provinceThe value added of the financial industry for the year is expected to beOver 230 billion dollarsThe

Further improvement of the modern financial organization system

Nanjing has gathered various types of finance, new financial organizations and other types of market players over1100 homesOf which, corporate financial institutions30In addition, a modern and diversified financial organization system has basically been formed, with banks, securities and insurance taking the lead, and various new types of financial services being carried out side by side.

Financial services to the real economy are increasing

2023, NJ New Loan BalanceOver 500 billion dollarsIn the same year, the new one ranked the first in the province; the city's private enterprise transfer fund realized the transfer amount in the same year.32,243 million dollarsCumulative transfers from the Fund136.37 billion dollarsBenefiting private enterprises11,800 homes; Newly Listed Enterprises7The total number of listed companies reached 161.

Steady progress in regional financial liberalization and innovation

In recent years, Nanjing has been approved as a pilot for financial and technological innovation in the capital market, a pilot zone for financial reform in science and innovation, a digital RMB, and a pilot for carrying out institutional and business innovation in the regional equity market. At present, Nanjing's various types of specialized organizations for science and innovation finance exceeds60 homesEstablishment18Sci-Tech Financial Services Post, launchedMore than 200 modelsExclusive products for science and innovation finance; the city has10Enterprises obtaining QFLP pilot qualification and applying for pilot fund size equivalent to RMB in aggregateOver 10 billion dollarsThe


High-quality development with finance

Help the city's economic and social development of high quality!
