
Focused on concentrating on biomedicine, Nanjing signed a project of more than 13 billion yuan

total amountOver $13 billion!


And "on the new" a number of major projects

This morning (May 17).Yangtze River Delta Biomedical Innovation Research and Industry Development ConferenceHeld in Nanjing.

On the scene, nearly 100 national academicians, top experts and leading talents in the biomedical industry, together with representatives of more than 400 biomedical enterprises, talked about the cutting-edge technology in the field of biomedicine and sought to develop the life and health industry. Han Liming, Secretary of Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech.

academician assembled 

Over 10 billion projects, on-site signing

At the meeting.Nanjing Biomedical Technology and Industry Development Think TankOfficially established, the first batch of 38 experts were specially recruited.On the scene, a number of Nanjing biomedical projects were signed, with a total project amount of over 13 billion yuan.

These programs include:

Creation of the National Medical Center Construction Project;

Co-construction of the National TCM Inheritance and Innovation Center Project;

Nanjing Hailing Great Health Industry Development Center Project;

South Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine Integration Industry and Education Center Project;

National TCM Inheritance and Innovation Center Project of Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;

Taibao Home - Nanjing International Nurturing Community (Phase II) Project, etc.

Then, experts and scholars, including Jiang Jiandong, pharmacologist and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Zhang Qifa, plant genetic and molecular biologist and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Hao Haiping, president of China Pharmaceutical University; Cheng Mousheng, president of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University; and Li Jia, director of Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, made keynote speeches at the conference.

Experts and scholars, shared the latest research results and trend analysis in the fields of China's original chemical drugs, modern life sciences health governance, original drug R&D and new quality productivity, innovative research and practice of chemical drugs, and hematology oncology drug R&D.

Nanjing Biomedical Development

Moving into the "critical phase"

Biomedicine, one of the key innovative industry clusters in Nanjing, is also the main direction of Nanjing's construction of industrial strength and development of new quality productivity.It has now entered the key stage of innovation breakthrough and energy level upgrading.

National Leader in New Drug R&D

Since 2016, the number of drugs approved for clinical use, clinical trials, applied for marketing and approved for marketing in Nanjing has ranked among large and medium-sized cities in the countrytop fourThe

Last year, new drugs were approved94Specification, accounted for JiangsuNearly 1/3.;4 modelsClass 1 innovator drugs approved for marketing.All ranked first in JiangsuThe

Enterprise cultivation to form echelons

Nanjing has high-tech enterprises in the field of biomedicine.1032 homesListed Companies18National Specialized, Specialized and New "Small Giant" Enterprises19(math.) genus7The company was listed among the top 100 chemical and traditional Chinese medicine companies in China.

Citywide biomedical industry revenueexceeded 200 billion dollarsThe

Clusters and Strong Chains Gaining Momentum

Jiangbei New District, Jiangning High-tech Zone, Nanjing Economic Development Zone, etc.3Key parks, ranked in China's biomedical park competitiveness rankingaheadTop 30The

Nanjing to play a "combination of punches"

Incentives for biomedical companies

Venturing into "no man's land" and climbing "high-cold zones"

As we all know, biomedical R & D investment, long cycle, the need for a favorable development environment. In recent years, Nanjing has introduced a series of policies and measures, hand in hand with universities and institutes, build public service platforms for biomedical enterprises to break into the "no man's land", climb the "high and cold zone" to create a favorable environment.

In recent years, Nanjing has issued a package of policy documents such as the Action Plan for Life and Health Science and Technology Innovation, Several Policy Measures to Promote the High-Quality Development of the City's Biomedical Industry, and the Action Plan for Building a Biomedical Industry Cluster in Nanjing.

In June last year, Nanjing also introduced the "three-year action plan to promote industrial strength", biomedicine as one of the key cultivation and development of innovative industrial clusters.

Earlier this year, Nanjing released the "Industrial Strength Action 2024 Work Points" also proposed to vigorously develop innovative drugs, high-end medical devices.

In addition, Nanjing has established an incentive mechanism for the whole cycle of drug and equipment research and development, and supports enterprises and hospitals in Ningbo to carry out original research in preclinical technological breakthroughs, multi-center clinical trials, and transformation of medical-industrial cooperation.

Nowadays, in the field of biomedicine, Nanjing's relevant sectors have a total of various types of innovation platforms about200 homes, covering key aspects of new drug creation;

Nanjing Biomedical Industry Innovation and Transformation Center and other service organizations blossomed, service enterprises clinical research speed up again, on average, for enterprises to save ethical approval timeNearly 40 days.;

Relevant departments in Nanjing3 consecutive yearsThe implementation of life and health science and technology special projects, pharmaceutical and medical device research and development and clinical transformation of financial support ...... Sometimes, the project is still in its infancy, Nanjing's services have already set sail.
