
Lishui Qinhuai source lantern annual festival is here! We're giving away soy sauce tickets!

6000Pound of soy sauce free of chargeGathering of New Year's goods from all over the worldDragon Lantern Parade and National Tide PerformanceJiangsu Broadcasting Star Hosts Live

February 2-4"Dragon in Lishui - Fire in Lishui."The 7th Lishui Qinhuai Source Lantern Festival New Year's Eveand Jiangsu Broadcasting New Year FairI'm calling you to come to the fair!

Event Location

Tongji neighborhood of Beijing

Highlights of the event I

6,000 pounds of soy sauce for free
   Time: 9:30-13:30 on February 2  "Hit the sauce for a good year. "On Feb. 2, this year's New Year's Eve Fair will be coming up

Less than 6,000 pounds of Zhenjiang Hengshun bulk soy sauce, everyone with a coupon will be able to play soy sauce for free, up to 5 pounds per person!

Highlight 2

More than a hundred New Year's Eve products gathered

  Time: February 2 - February 4, 10:00-20:00  Tongji neighborhood combines the elements of national trends and local characteristics to create a fashionable, trendy, fun, interesting, different from the traditional "New Year's Fair". More than 100 New Year's products will be gathered in 30 booths, which will bring a unique and rich shopping experience to the public.

Highlight 3

Twin View Live Streaming Airborne Neighborhoods

  In front of the stalls, the "New Year's Fair Live Streaming Room" will broadcast live with goods, comprehensively publicize Lishui's special food and snacks, recommend Lishui's goodies, enhance the popularity of the event, and increase the enthusiasm of the public and tourists to consume.

Highlight 4

National Tide Parade Excitement

During the event, in the Tongji neighborhood and the scenic area of Wuxi Water Town, cultural performances, non-heritage big bazaar, lantern riddle competition, lantern night tour and fancy parade will be presented one after another.

Lunar New Year Fair plays the prelude to the Spring Festival non-heritage folklore rises fireworks taste February 2 to 4 to Qinhuai source to find the taste of the New Year, enjoy the dragon lanterns, shopping fair!
