
Lishui District "Learning from Lei Feng - Civilized Practice" Theme Activity Held

Inherit the spirit of Lei Feng and blossom the flower of civilization. March 5 this year is the 61st "Learning from Lei Feng Memorial Day". On the morning of that day, Lishui District "Learning Lei Feng - Civilized Practice My Action" themed activities were held in Fu Jiabian Science and Technology Park Agricultural Museum to provide diversified warm and convenient services for the public, vigorously carry forward the spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual help and progress" and write the "Lei Feng" spirit of the new era. "The spirit of volunteerism, writing a new era of" Lei Feng story ". District Standing Committee, Minister of Propaganda Zhang De Cai participated in the activities.

"Strive to be a practitioner of the spirit of Lei Feng, actively and physically, from the things around us, from now on ......" activity site issued a "Learning from Lei Feng - civilized practice of my actions" initiative, calling on the public to give full play to their own business Specialties, professional advantages, take the initiative to participate in volunteer services, so that the spirit of Lei Feng has become a conscious action, and jointly create a social atmosphere of passing on love and mutual help.

  Subsequently, the three lines of the "people to say the Civil Code", sketches "top priority", fast board "funeral reform is good", Huangmei Opera duet "female extra horse harnessed by the side of a team" excerpts and other programs were staged in turn, won the audience's applause, creating a warm atmosphere of the event.

 Subsequently, the three lines of the "people to say the Civil Code", sketches "top priority", fast board "funeral reform is good", Huangmei Opera duet "female extra horse harnessed by the side of a team" excerpts and other programs were staged in turn, won the audience's applause, creating a warm atmosphere of the event.

"Small bazaar" brings together "big civilization". In the "civilization bazaar" activities, from the district party committee propaganda department (civilization office), the district party committee school, district party committee, women's federation, science and technology, education and other 17 civilization practice volunteer team of more than 60 volunteers, for the public to provide a new era of civilization practice propaganda, policy advice, health clinic, non-folklore paper-cutting, fire safety, traffic safety propaganda Nearly 30 convenient services.

In order to deepen the work of civilization practice in the new era and promote the institutionalization of volunteerism, the activity site is specially set up to recruit volunteers for civilization practice, attracting and recruiting more citizens to inherit and practice the spirit of Lei Feng, actively participate in volunteer services, and to create a good atmosphere of reverence for morality and goodness in the whole society.

Fire safety is more important than Mount Tai. Activity site played a fire propaganda film, the district fire and rescue brigade fire propagandist to the passing masses focused on explaining the dangers of charging electric cars into the building into the home, popularize the family fire prevention and escape and "three clear three off" and other fire safety knowledge, and effectively enhance the masses of fire safety awareness and the ability to save themselves from fires.
