
The deep integration of the two innovations, Nanjing does so

The General Secretary saidXi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State Council and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, emphasized in the afternoon of the 5th, while attending the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress in which he was a member, that Jiangsu possesses good conditions and capabilities for the development of new quality productivity. We should focus on building a modernized industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone, taking science and technology innovation as the lead, and promoting the upgrading of traditional industries, the growth of new industries, and the cultivation of future industries in an integrated manner.Strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovationTo consolidate the leading position of traditional industries and accelerate the creation of strategic emerging industry clusters with international competitiveness, so that Jiangsu will become an important position for the development of new quality productivity.

Nanjing landing point


Empowering Industrial Innovation with Science and Technology Innovation

High level of development of new quality productivity

National Third Generation Semiconductor Technology Innovation Center (Nanjing). Jiangning Development Zone

  • The power module developed on the platform of the National Innovation Center for Third-Generation Semiconductor Technology (Nanjing) is intended to be used in the first electric-drive model of a domestic head car company, which is expected to be officially installed in 2024;
  • As an important platform and main position for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the university, Nanjing University Science and Technology Park has incubated more than 1,000 enterprises;
  • Chuhang Technology's full line of fifth-generation radar products to achieve the stage of "localization alternative", and with the Great Wall, Chery, Zero Run and other more than 30 car companies to reach a cooperation, in nearly 20 models on the mass production equipped with ......

With science and technology innovation as the lead, cultivate and grow new momentum of industrial innovation and development. Nanjing fully recognizes its own endowment advantages and mission to play the advantages of scientific and technological innovation resources, to cultivate new quality productivity as a high-quality development of the must-answer questions, winning moves.


Utilizing the advantages of science and innovation resource endowment

Promoting the quality and expansion of the industrial map

The new quality of productivity, "new" in scientific and technological progress, "new" in the innovation drive. Nanjing is rich in scientific and educational resources, there are more than 50 institutions of higher learning, the total number of talents and density of the country's forefront, colleges and universities, science and technology platforms, civil-military integration and other advantages, the national key laboratories amounted to 23, accounting for 75% in Jiangsu, in the research and development of major scientific and technological infrastructure amounted to 12.

  • At the end of last year, the ranking of "Nature Index - Research Cities" was released, and Nanjing surpassed Washington, Paris and Tokyo, jumping to the sixth place in the world;
  • Jiangsu Science and Technology Business Incubator Performance Evaluation, Nanjing ranked first in the province for four consecutive years; China Innovation Talent Index 2023 Report, Nanjing ranked sixth in the country;
  • National Innovative Cities Innovation Capacity Evaluation Report 2023, Nanjing ranked fourth among 101 participating cities.

Strong science and education resources are both the potential advantages of Nanjing, but also must carry the responsibility to bear, the city will make full use of the advantages, closely around the construction of industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence of the main bearing area target, in the national and provincial innovation layout to assume heavier responsibility.


Open up broken points and blockages

Timely application of science and innovation results to industry

Nanjing Nanzhi Advanced Optoelectronic Integration Technology Research Institute laboratory. Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Cui Xiao photo

Strengthening the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, the key lies in the timely application of scientific and technological innovation achievements to specific industries and industrial chain. Since last year, the city around to promote the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements, the establishment of school-land, school-enterprise and hospital-land regular docking mechanism, to build engineering transformation platform, the city's effective period of high-tech enterprises to break through the10,000 homesTurnover of technology contractsSurpassed $100 billion, up 161 TP3TThe

Baixia Hi-Tech Zone Telematics (Autonomous Driving) Experience Station. Park supply picture
In order to seize the new track of intelligent networked vehicles, Baixia Hi-Tech Zone has built the application scene of 5G+ Intelligent Networked Demonstration and Application Pilot Zone in Qinhuai District, completed the construction of Nanjing (Qinhuai) Provincial Vehicle Networking Pilot Zone, and has completed the transformation of 10.67 kilometers of network connectivity in the core area of Baixia Hi-Tech Zone, and taken the lead in the completion of the construction of the 5G-V2X dedicated network, and also successfully verified the 5G wireless backhaul technology for the first time in cooperation with the Zijinshan Laboratory, the The city's first batch of vehicle test licenses.
Since the launch of the application scenarios work in 2020, the city has cumulatively released application scenarios to the publicOver 3,000Demand for open cooperationOver 8,000In addition, the company has issued a "hero post" to adsorb innovation subjects inside and outside the city to gather in Ning, accurately promote the industry to extend and supplement the chain and strengthen the chain, and continue to stimulate the vitality of industrial innovation and development.


Traditional industries to the "new" to strive forward

Creating a "New Model" for the Future of Ningchuang

Nanshan Steel's "JIT+C2M" intelligent factory. Photo by Nanshan Steel

In recent years, Nanshan Steel has been continuously realizing technological innovation, developing and producing 9-nickel steel, corrosion-resistant steel, crack-stopping steel, ultra-high-strength steel for hydropower, etc., which are widely used in the fields of shipbuilding and offshore engineering, construction machinery, new energy, and automobile manufacturing.
Iron and steel, petrochemicals, automobiles, electronics four pillar industries is the "basic plate" of Nanjing's economy, through the depth of transformation and upgrading, but also can form a new quality of productivity. As the first domestic manufacturer to successfully develop lithium battery diaphragm material, Yangzi Petrochemical 2023 polyethylene lithium battery diaphragm material production increased by 15% year-on-year, a record high.

Nanshan Steel's "JIT+C2M" intelligent factory. Photo by Nanshan Steel

In recent years, Nanshan Steel has been continuously realizing technological innovation, developing and producing 9-nickel steel, corrosion-resistant steel, crack-stopping steel, ultra-high-strength steel for hydropower, etc., which are widely used in the fields of shipbuilding and offshore engineering, construction machinery, new energy, and automobile manufacturing.
Iron and steel, petrochemicals, automobiles, electronics four pillar industries is the "basic plate" of Nanjing's economy, through the depth of transformation and upgrading, but also can form a new quality of productivity. As the first domestic manufacturer to successfully develop lithium battery diaphragm material, Yangzi Petrochemical 2023 polyethylene lithium battery diaphragm material production increased by 15% year-on-year, a record high.

In the national third-generation semiconductor technology innovation center (Nanjing) platform, researchers in the third generation of semiconductors - silicon carbide chip production line to test products. Nanjing Daily / Zijinshan News reporter Sun Zhongyuan photo
Ningchuang future, to create a "new model". The city will focus on the third generation of semiconductors, energy storage and hydrogen energy, low-altitude economy, satellite Internet and other key directions, play the role of Zijinshan Laboratory, Zijinshan Science and Technology City, the National Innovation Center and other platforms, accelerate technological innovation and industrialization, around the future of the industry to breed chain clusters, and actively strive for the creation of the national future of the industrial pilot zone, and focus on cultivating a number of key technologies with core competitiveness, application scenarios and key enterprises, and rapidly form a Clustering effect.
