
Nanjing Qianhe Intelligent Technology Co.

In 2021, Wang Run, the founder of Qianhe Intelligence, came to Nanjing with his team from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is 1,600 kilometers away, and wanted to carry out his great ambitions here. Understanding that Lishui has a solid new energy vehicle industry chain, the project can find a place in such a broad world, and decided to set up the company in Lishui.

After Xiaohu Technology understood the demand, it accompanied them throughout the whole process, found suitable office locations for Wang Run and his team, and assisted them to relocate and settle down. In order to support this young entrepreneurial team, Xiaohu Technology helped them to exempt the rent of the site, but also subsidized the rent of the talent apartment for them, to help them solve the worries on the way of entrepreneurship, in addition, Xiaohu Venture Capital also angel investment in them, in the capital, set up the table, and financial services and other aspects of the provision of the ability to help. Afterwards, the enterprise service department of Xiaohu Technology introduced and docked with the customers in the park for them to promote the project to broaden the market in the local area.

Two years after joining Xiaohu Technology Industry Incubation Platform, Nanjing Qianhe Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. expanded from a team of a few people to a team of 20 people, and passed the 2023 Science and Technology SME Recognition.
