
Nanjing Specialized, Specialized and New "Thousands of Schools and Ten Thousand Enterprises" Zijin Action Nanjing Industrial Vocational and Technical University School-Enterprise Collaborative Innovation Promotion Conference was successfully held.

On January 12, the Nanjing Specialized and Specialized New "Thousands of Schools and Ten Thousand Enterprises" Zijin Action - Nanjing University of Vocational and Technical University School-Enterprise Collaborative Innovation Promotion Conference was successfully held. On the scene, the "Thousand Schools and Ten Thousand Enterprises" Zijin Action - Nanjing University of Technology Co-Innovation Promotion Conference was successfully held.Nanjing University of Industrial Vocational Technology General Institute of Technology for the Land Industry"Ltd. and other 9 enterprises signed the university-enterprise strategic cooperation agreement, 8 employment bases such as Nanjing High Precision Railway Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd. and 8 professor (doctoral) workstations such as Nanjing Panda Electronic Equipment Co.

On the same day, nearly 200 enterprise representatives walked into Nanjing University of Vocational and Technical Sciences (NUIST) and carried out in-depth exchanges and docking with university researchers. 3 enterprises, such as Aliyun Innovation Center, released their demands, hoping to take advantage of NUIST's profound research and development strengths in the field of intelligent manufacturing and its rich vocational education resources, empowering the enterprises to continuously improve their product competitiveness, promoting the deep integration of industry and education, and helping the enterprises to realize a higher quality and higher level development. Higher quality and higher level of development.

In recent years, Nanjing has given full play to the advantages of science and education resources, and promoted school-land, school-enterprise collaborative innovation, issued the "Nanjing deepening school-enterprise collaborative innovation construction and cultivation of specialized and special new enterprise demonstration city of a number of policies and measures", to promote the Ningbo universities and specialized and special new enterprises to further strengthen the innovation cooperation. Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has continued to carry out the "Thousands of Schools and Ten Thousand Enterprises" Zijin Action of Specialized and Specialized New Enterprises, organizing nearly 500 specialized and special new enterprises to enter Nanjing University, Southeast University and Nanjing Arts Institute, deepening the "enterprises ask questions, universities answer questions" school-enterprise collaborative innovation mode, releasing the scientific research achievements of universities and the results of universities' scientific research and innovation. Innovation mode, release the scientific research results of universities and specialized new enterprise demand, accelerate the transfer and transformation of intellectual property rights and scientific and technological achievements of universities to specialized new enterprises, and fully stimulate the development of the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises specializing in specialized new development.Up to now, Nanjing has cultivated 21 national manufacturing single champion enterprises, 213 national specialized and new "small giants" enterprises, and 1,122 provincial specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, of which 107 will be added in 2023, ranking the 8th in China, doubling the total number. In 2023, there will be 107 new national specialized, special and new "small giants" enterprises, ranking No. 8 in the country and doubling the total number.

As the first publicly-funded undergraduate vocational school in China, NUIST has established in-depth cooperation with more than 30 Fortune 500 companies, and has been recognized as a national-level dual-creation demonstration base. The Zijin Action of "Thousands of Schools and Ten Thousand Enterprises" jointly organized with the Administrative Committee of Xianlin University Town is to give full play to the distinctive features and advantages of Nanjing University of Vocational and Technical Sciences in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing, artificial intelligence and other industries, and to accelerate the interconnection and intercommunication between the school's advantages in intelligent manufacturing R&D, training and talents and the enterprises with specialties and specialties. Interconnection and interconnection, for Nanjing intelligent manufacturing high-quality development of momentum and empowerment.

Nanjing Bureau of Industry and Information Technology said that around the "thousands of schools and enterprises" Zijin action, we will continue to improve the school-enterprise collaborative innovation docking mechanism, anchored in the urgent need for high-quality development of the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, a more accurate match of high-quality science and education resources, talent resources, and deepen the "enterprise questions, universities and colleges to answer questions" school-enterprise collaborative innovation mode. We will continue to improve the school-enterprise cooperative innovation mode, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain and talent chain, and stimulate the emergence of more specialized, special and new enterprise groups.
