
Nanjing Signs Strategic Cooperation Memorandum with SINOMACH and Dassault Systèmes

  On December 6, Secretary of Municipal Party Committee Han Liming, Mayor Chen Zhichang held talks with visiting Chairman of China National Machinery Industry Corporation Zhang Xiaolun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dassault Systèmes Charbonneau and his entourage, and witnessed the signing of a strategic cooperation memorandum between the municipal government, SINOMACH and Dassault Systèmes.

  On behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Han Liming and Chen Zhichang welcomed Zhang Xiaolun and Charbonneau to Nanjing, expressed their gratitude to SINOMACH and Dassault for choosing Nanjing to carry out in-depth cooperation, and introduced the economic and social development of Nanjing.

  Han Liming said that the acceleration of the new industrialization process, digital industrialization and industrial digitization, for the development of the industrial software industry has brought great opportunities, but also better stimulate the "multiplier effect" of industrial transformation. SINOMACH is an important state-owned backbone enterprise in the field of machinery industry, and has been cooperating with Nanjing for many years; Dassault Systèmes has been deeply engaged in the field of industrial software for a long time, and has strong technical advantages and advanced service experience in industrial empowerment. The three parties join hands, is to actively comply with the tide of digitization, help manufacturing innovation and transformation and upgrading of the inevitable choice, is a strong combination, complementary advantages, but also to seize the opportunity to grow together.

  As a partner and service provider, Nanjing is happy to see and enjoy its success, and will be happy to help its success, will do a good job in project services and protection, and continue to deepen the business environment benchmark city construction, for all kinds of talents and platforms in the development of Ningbo to provide the best service, create the best conditions. We also hope to further deepen and expand cooperation with SINOMACH and Dassault in the fields of equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, etc., and continue to promote the realization of industrial intelligence and network connectivity.

  Zhang Xiaolun thanked Nanjing for its concern and support for SINOMACH's development and project promotion. He said that it is a common development opportunity to accelerate the new industrialization in the new development stage and promote the digital, networked and intelligent development of manufacturing industry. SINOMACH always attaches importance to industrial research and scientific research, and actively promotes the construction of new industrialization to help the construction of Chinese-style modernization and accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises. Nanjing has a strong industrial foundation and excellent business environment, and is a hot spot for enterprises to invest and develop their business and innovation.

  We hope to deepen cooperation with Nanjing and Dassault Systèmes, and strive to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results in a safe, trustworthy and controllable ecology, and jointly promote high-quality development.

  Dassault Systèmes has always been adhering to the principle of "in China, for China, with China", plowing into the Chinese market and establishing deep cooperative relationships with Chinese enterprises," said Mr. Charbonneau.

  Nanjing has a strong foundation and obvious advantages in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Dassault Systèmes will give full play to its technological and service advantages, push forward the current cooperation to achieve practical results, actively promote the wisdom to change the digital transformation, further expand the cooperation with Nanjing, promote mutual trust and mutual benefit, and continue to exert efforts to push forward the digitalization of the industry and the green transformation, and strive to realize the goal of "From China to the world, together with SINOMACH in Nanjing", and make more contributions to the future sustainable development. We will strive to realize "in Nanjing, together with SINOMACH, we will go from China to the world" and make more contributions to the sustainable development in the future.

  City leaders Deng Zhiyi, Jiang Yuejian and Wu Wei attended.
