
History of the "Ning Agency"

Southeast corner of the Qinhuai River

A group of different generations

A cluster of distinctive buildings stands in this area.

It has spanned three centuries.

It is the former site of "Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau" and the predecessor of Nanjing Chenguang Group.And now, here is the 1865 Creative Industries Park you know so well ......

The gate of Nanjing Chenguang Machinery Factory in 1980s

A military-industrial complex built on top of the ruins

In 1865, Jiangsu governor acting as governor of the two rivers Li Hongzhang chose the site at the east end of broomstick alley, the ruins of the Xitian Temple, with the Majiashan as the core, the construction of the plant, did the Jinling Machine Manufacturing Bureau, referred to as "Ning Bureau".It is the first modern mechanized factory in Nanjing, marking the beginning of Nanjing's modern industry, and is known as the cradle of China's national military industry.The

Jinling Manufacturing Bureau of the remaining buildings were inlaid with the Tongzhi five years (1866) to build the machine factory, Tongzhi twelve years to build the machine right factory, the fourth year of Guangxu (1878) to build the machine left factory of the words. These old buildings and the Chenguang Group Archives' "Chenguang Factory History Showroom" display a large number of pictures and physical archives that tell the history of the company from the Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau in the Qing Dynasty to the modern Jinling Arsenal, Chenguang Machinery Factory and today's 1865 Creative Industrial Park. The topography of the stone tablet of Jinling Manufacturing Bureau displayed in the museum, the text of the tablet "to a bureau to determine the safety of the world" still makes us feel deeply shocked.

Outside the gate of Jinling Arsenal

In 1865, Li Hongzhang moved the Suzhou Bureau of Foreign Artillery under the auspices of Margery to Nanjing, because Margery was an Englishman.The style and layout of the factory is based on the British industrial architecture.The

On August 16, 1937, Jinling Arsenal was bombed by Japanese planes for the first time, and the factory's anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine gun company stood firm and fired at the Japanese. On November 12 of the same year, the Japanese army to Nanjing, Jinling Arsenal is still struggling to produce. 16, Jinling Arsenal relocated west to Chongqing by land and water, the whole factory workers only 3.5 months in Chongqing Jiangbei new site announced the official resumption of work. After unremitting hard work, in just a few years it expanded into China's largest wartime arsenal, theExcellent contribution to the supply of weapons and ammunition to the anti-Japanese soldiers.The

A new chapter in the old "Ning Bureau"

After the liberation of Nanjing, the Second Field Army troops took over Nanjing 60 Arsenal, renamed East China Ordnance General Factory. in December 1952, Changzhi 307 Factory, which originated from Huangyadong Arsenal, the largest arsenal of the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was relocated southward, and was merged with the Ordnance General Factory to establish the state-run 307 Factory, which was specializing in the production of mortars.Provided large quantities of weapons and ammunition for the war against the U.S. and the DPRKThe

In 1965, the factory was transferred to the Seventh Ministry of Machinery Industry under the second name of "Chenguang Machinery Factory", and began the development and production of aerospace products. The former conventional weapons production lines and technical personnel were dispersed throughout the country in response to the call of the State, and were put into the third-line construction.Since then, the old "Ning Bureau" has turned a new page in its history.The

Chenguang Machinery Factory was mainly engaged in the development and production of national key aerospace products when it was transferred to the development and production of aerospace products. Chenguang Machinery Factory has developed and produced ground filling equipments for many aerospace products such as strategic missiles "Dongfeng" No.1 and No.2, sea defense missiles and air defense missiles as well as "Long March" series of carrier rockets, and made significant contributions to the development of China's first all-solid carrier rocket "Pathfinder No.1". We have also made important contributions to the development of China's first all-solid launch vehicle "Pathfinder I".

In 1996, it was renamed Nanjing Chenguang Group Co., Ltd. and after it was restructured into a "company", it also undertook large-scale urban sculpture projects.The Golden Bauhinia in Hong Kong's Golden Bauhinia Square, Wuxi's Lingshan Buddha, and Beijing's Olympic Torch were created by Chenguang people.The

R&D Products: Olympic Torch

Hong Kong Bauhinia, Macau Lotus in Bloom

Industrial heritage realizes artistic transformation

In 2006, Nanjing Chenguang Group's main production equipment was moved from the north part of the factory (now "1865 Creative Park") to the south part of the factory, as well as to Jiangning and Lishui, and thus the machines in the factory, which had been in production for more than 100 years, stopped running.

Old Factory South Road

Production line of Chenguang machine factory

Although relocated

But it left the whole of China

It's an intact industrial site that's rarely seen.

It's like a Chinese industrial building.

Museum of Historical Evolution

Nowadays, the original site of Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau has been transformed into "Nanjing Chenguang 1865 Science and Technology Creative Industrial Park", in which 9 buildings of the Qing Dynasty, 23 buildings of the Republic of China, and more than 20 buildings of the 1950s and 1960s have been properly protected and utilized.

The entire park and the surrounding areas are rich in humanities and historical landscapes. Relying on the aerospace brand and the power of science and technology, the "1865" park will become a well-known comprehensive fashion consumption, creative industry center and fashionable place integrating science and technology, culture, commerce and tourism.

Industrial buildings from different historical periods

It's a perfect match here.

Every building, every facility

All engraved with history

Not only do they bear witness to the

A Hundred-Year History of the Rise and Fall of China's National Military Industry

It's also cohesive.

The spirit of self-improvement and struggle of the Chinese people
