
Taking stock of the ten major events of industry and informationization in Nanjing in 2023, and new breakthroughs in the construction of a strong industrial city

2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference Successfully Held, Presenting the Windsock of Intelligent Manufacturing Future Development in All Directions

From December 6 to 8, 2023, the 2023 World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference was successfully held, with the theme of "Intelligent Reform, Digital Networking, Digital Integration and Innovation", and 30 events such as the Theme Conference, 5 major special events, 15 professional forums, offline expositions, the 3rd Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Competition, and the Intelligent Manufacturing Series, etc. were organized and held. More than 30 activities were organized, creating a high-quality, large-scale and influential global event of intelligent manufacturing. During the signing ceremony for major projects of "Smart Manufacturing Enabling Industry Strengthening City", 109 projects of more than 100 million yuan were signed, with a total investment of 123.17 billion yuan.

Manufacturing wisdom to change the number of network connection in-depth promotion of the core industries of the digital economy added value accounted for the proportion of GDP in the province's first

In 2023, anchoring the goal of building a famous city of digital economy, the added value of core industries of digital economy will remain the first in the province in terms of GDP. The core industries of the digital economy, accelerate the development of industrial software, cultivate open-source ecology, and the scale of software business income reaches 800 billion yuan. Deeply promote the "wisdom to change the number of network connection", adding four national-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, intelligent manufacturing excellent scene 10, ranking first in the province. Vigorously promoting the construction of digital infrastructure, Nanjing was selected as one of the top 20 cities in China in terms of arithmetic power in 2023, and the number of 5G base stations per 10,000 people and the number of industrial Internet logo registrations, resolutions, and the number of access enterprises all remain the first in the province.

Nanjing's SME development environment ranks third in China, and the cultivation of specialized and new enterprises has made a historic breakthrough.

On February 21, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released the 2022 Annual Assessment Report on the Development Environment of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), in which Nanjing ranked third in the overall ranking, and was ranked in the forefront of the country for four consecutive years. The city's industry and information system continued to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's letter to the 2022 National Conference on the Development of Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and carried out a series of activities of the "Thousand Schools and Ten Thousand Enterprises" Zijin Action for Specialized and New Enterprises, and deepened the synergistic innovation between schools and enterprises. 2023, 107 new national specialized and new enterprises, totaling 107 small giants, were added. In 2023, there will be 107 new national-level "small giant" enterprises, doubling the total number of enterprises; there will be 475 new provincial-level specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, with the total number of enterprises exceeding 1,000.

National Innovation Center for High Performance Membrane Materials Approved for Construction, Breakthrough in the Creation of Nanjing Manufacturing Innovation Center

In September 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially approved Nanjing to create a national innovation center for high-performance membrane materials, Nanjing to achieve zero breakthroughs in the national manufacturing innovation center, will be in the core membrane materials to carry out research and breakthroughs, to achieve high-performance membrane materials in integrated circuits, biomedicine, new energy and other industrial applications.

National Pilot Zone for Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Officially Unveiled in an Effort to Build a New Paradigm for the Innovation and Development of the National Artificial Intelligence Industry

On March 10, 2023, the unveiling ceremony of the National Pilot Zone of Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application was held to comprehensively launch the construction of the province's only layout of national-level pilot zone of artificial intelligence innovation and application. Accelerate the implementation of the Implementation Plan for the Construction of Nanjing National Pilot Zone for Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application, continue to create replicable and scalable AI benchmark-type demonstration application scenarios, and release 20 AI application scenarios and typical cases in 2023.

"Nineteen Years in a Row, 2023 China (Nanjing) International Software Products and Information Service Trade Fair Held Successfully

From August 20 to 23, 2023, 2023 China (Nanjing) International Software Products and Information Service Trade Fair was successfully held, with the theme of "Software Empowering Intelligence, Digital and Real Integration", and 2023 China Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference was held at the same time. 2023 is the nineteenth consecutive year of organizing the Soft Expo, creating a high-end platform for industrial docking and fruitful display of the software industry. The year 2023 will be the nineteenth consecutive year of organizing the Soft Expo, creating a high-end platform for industrial docking and showcasing achievements in the software field. At the opening ceremony, the major infrastructure of open source software supply chain "source map 3.0" was released, and the offline exhibition set up the theme pavilion of meta-universe for the first time. During the period, major digital economy project signing activities were held, and 20 key digital economy projects were signed. The conference reached a total of 47 negotiation and signing projects, with a total investment of 22.39 billion yuan.

Application and promotion of innovative products continue to be strengthened, and the brand influence of "Ningchuang" activities continues to improve.

On November 17, 2023, the revised Management Measures for Evaluation of Nanjing Innovative Products was released to the public, focusing on the five major fields of "three first" products (the first (set) of major equipment, the first batch of new materials and the first version of software), key industrial talent enterprises and other types of innovative products, and regularly releasing the "Application Demonstration of Nanjing Innovative Products" and the "Recommended Catalog". Recommended Catalog". Under the brand of "Ningchuang", two sub-brands of "Ning Innovation Products" and "Ningchuang Future" will be set up, and nearly 30 activities will be organized in 2023 to form a "Ning Innovation Products" and "Ningchuang Future" program. "Ning Innovation Products" will promote the integration of industrial chain and innovation chain, and "Ning Creation Future" will accelerate the development of future industries.

Constructing "1+N+1" new system of industrial talent, industrial talent work recognized by MIIT

In 2023, the systematization of industrial talent work was carried out, the Nanjing Work Plan for Promoting the Construction of High-level Talent Teams in Industry and Information Technology was issued, the synergy between industrial and talent policies was strengthened, and a number of special support policies for industrial talents were implemented. Nanjing's industrial talent construction was recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), and was recommended by MIIT as a typical case to the Central Organization Department.

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