
Hand in hand with the main city famous schools and gardens to create the masses "at home" of the good schools

On January 29, Lishui District held a signing ceremony with Mechanics Primary School and Municipal Organs Kindergarten to vigorously introduce high-quality educational resources in the main city and promote the balanced development of urban and rural education. Zhang Yun, secretary of the district party committee, Zhang Xiaoping, director of the Municipal Organs Affairs Administration, Chen Haitao, vice mayor of Gulou District, relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Education Bureau, and district leaders Zhang Decai and Fei Lili attended.

Zhang Yun said in his speech, the signing of the contract is to implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping on "to promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, narrowing the gap between urban and rural education resources," the spirit of the important speech, I hope that the three parties to work closely together, focusing on the "three addition of the problem! ".First, the "famous school" + "famous park" - real to the "name" return.In order to promote the high-quality development of education in the region, in principle, all new schools adopt the "famous schools and parks outside the district + new school" mode of operation, the introduction of the Mechanics Elementary School, the municipal organ kindergarten are famous, one of the most famous schools and parks, through cooperation in running the school will make Lishui high-quality education. The cooperation will make Lishui's high-quality education "real and famous".Secondly, "main city" + "new city" - "city" and countryside integration.Lishui is a national urban-rural integration development pilot area, and is accelerating to build a modern suburban new city in the new era, and the integrated development of educational resources is an important part of it. The signing of this cooperation will magnify the advantages of high-quality education resources in the main city, realize the introduction of "a famous school" to benefit "the people on one side", and allow rural children to go to a good school "at their doorstep". In order to promote the revitalization of the countryside with the revitalization of education.Third, "hand in hand" + "hand in hand" - reachable.Today's signing marks the official "hand in hand" of the three parties, and the relevant departments of the district should take this cooperative school as an opportunity to do a good job of all-around services and guarantees, promote the deepening of cooperative school running, and let the public feel the high-quality results of school running that are "within reach". I hope that the Municipal Organ Affairs Administration, the Municipal Education Bureau and Gulou District will promote more high-quality resources to settle in Lishui, "hand in hand" to create a model of cooperative school running, and create a new situation for the development of Lishui's education from a new starting point.  Zhang Xiaoping said that the kindergarten team of the municipal authority kindergarten will combine the actual situation in Lishui, be innovative and practical, adhere to Tao Xingzhi's thought on early childhood education as the leader, give full play to the advantages of the municipal authority kindergarten resources, unify the management of the park, unify the regulations of the team, unify the allocation of resources, unify the teaching and education and unify the performance evaluation, and ensure that the kindergarten of the municipal authority kindergarten in Lishui becomes a high-level modernized quality park that is recognized by the society, satisfied with the public, and enjoyed by the young children. High-quality garden.

  Chen Haitao hopes that through this cooperation, Lishui will focus on the cultivation of teachers, improvement of classroom education quality, deepening of educational research, diversified development of students and in-depth construction of campus culture, so as to create and cultivate more good schools at the doorsteps of the people of Lishui, and to promote the sharing of resources, complementarity of advantages and reciprocal development between Gulou and Lishui.  At the signing ceremony, the Municipal Administration of Municipal Organ Affairs and the Lishui District Government signed an agreement on cooperation in running schools, and the Gulou District Education Bureau, Mechanics Primary School, the Lishui District Education Bureau, and Ligao Investment Company signed a four-way agreement on cooperation in running schools. According to the agreement, Xue Li East Road Kindergarten is listed as "Nanjing Municipal Organs Lishui Kindergarten - Nanjing Municipal Organs Fourth Kindergarten", and the newly built Chengnan Primary School and Mechanics Elementary School will carry out cooperative school running.
