
The country's 14 cities were selected, Jiangsu why "unique three"?

At the beginning of the new year, the Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyChina Software City 2023Evaluation results released notice, 14 Chinese software city in Jiangsu, "only three", areNanjing, Suzhou and WuxiThe 

In fact, as a manufacturing province of Jiangsu is also a software province, and the software industry, especially industrial software is the key support for the construction of manufacturing province. Data show that in 2023, Jiangsu Province completed software business income of 1.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5%; of which the industrial software industry chain realized business income of 325.98 billion yuan, an increase of 15.2%.

The implementation of 19 initiatives to accelerate the independent innovation of industrial software, the issuance of "Jiangsu Province Software Park Management Measures", the start of the software industry policy to publicize the interpretation of the ring province line ...... the beginning of the year that is to start, Jiangsu software industry construction fast and furious. Jiangsu provincial government work report in the deployment of key work in 2024 also proposed to promote the high-quality development of industrial software.

Nanjing was the first to take advantage of the situation

"Software Avenue, the first road named after an industry in Nanjing, is 5.3 kilometers long. Every morning rush hour, "code farmers" come from all sides, flocking to the software enterprises along the road.

Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, the earliest force in the software industry in the city. 2001, in the software business income of only 1.8 billion yuan, Nanjing, put forward the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" during the break 10 billion and realized on schedule. 4 years later, the city officially announced the construction of "China's software city", and held the first Nanjing "Soft Expo" to position the software industry as "the first priority to encourage the development of the industry". And held the first Nanjing "Soft Expo", the software industry is positioned as "the first priority to encourage the development of industry".

By 2010, the scale of software industry in Nanjing exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time, becoming the first "China Software City".Since then, the local carefully laid out China (Nanjing) Software Valley, Nanjing Software Park, Jiangsu Software Park, "a valley and two parks" taking shape.

Under the siphon of the industrial environment, the head of the software enterprises have landed one after another. ZTE, Huawei two giants took the lead in selecting sites to settle. Over the years, Alibaba Jiangsu headquarters, byte jumping Nanjing R & D center and a number of head enterprises are also stationed in Nanjing, feeding small and medium-sized enterprises, the formation of "big with small" cluster development pattern.

Currently, Nanjing has gathered about 850,000 software-related employees, with about 4,000 key software-related enterprises, and 53 colleges and universities in the city offer software-related majors. 2022, the software and information service industry in Nanjing was listed on the list of the first batch of national advanced manufacturing clusters. 2023, the city's software business revenue reached 800 billion yuan, ranking first in Jiangsu Province.

Behind the "soft" strength is the "soft environment". China's software industry high-quality development Zijin Index (2023) shows that Nanjing scored first in the policy environment, the establishment of special funds. In the past two years, "Nanjing City, promote the software city quality upgrading to build trillion industry action plan" "Nanjing City, promote the industry strong city action plan (2023-2025)" and so on have been introduced to further help create a good software industry ecology.

With the demonstration of Nanjing'sSince the "13th Five-Year Plan", the scale of Jiangsu's software industry has been ranked in the forefront of the country.In 2020, Jiangsu software industry scale for the first time over one trillion. Around this time, Suzhou, Wuxi two cities have also been honored as "China's software characteristics of the city".

Jiangsu Full Layout

Since 2012, Suzhou has been applying for the creation of "China Famous Software City", and the average annual growth rate of software business income is close to 20%. In the field evaluation of the creation of China's software city organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2018, the evaluation expert group unanimously agreed that the software industry in Suzhou continued to develop rapidly, and gave an evaluation score of 106.7 points. The following year.Suzhou was honored as a "Famous City of Chinese Software Characteristics" in the direction of industrial software.The

Bordering on Wangshan Mountain in the north and only two kilometers away from Taihu Lake in the east, the area where Taihu Software Park is located is surrounded by mountains and water. There are both good scenery and good industries here, and a batch of software enterprises have settled down one after another, and the industrial agglomeration effect has been manifested.

Through scientific layout and staggered development, Suzhou has formed a core cluster of industrial software represented by Jinji Lake Software Industrial Park, Taihu Lake Software Industrial Park and Suzhou High-tech Software Park. In addition, Suzhou has also built 2 Jiangsu Software Parks, 3 Provincial Information and Innovation Pilot Zones, 6 Provincial Internet Innovation Parks, 16 Provincial "Digital Future" Integration and Innovation Centers, and promoted the construction of the first 22 Municipal Digital Economy Characteristic Industrial Parks.

Wuxi, the "Internet of Things Capital of China", will be recognized as a "Famous City of Chinese Software Characteristics" in the direction of Internet of Things and platform software in 2021.

Wuxi's selection is well deserved. People's Daily noted that the local innovation and practice in the field of car networking, blockchain and other emerging industries.Advance layout of artificial intelligence, meta-universe, quantum computing and other future industries. 2023, Wuxi software industry business income exceeded 200 billion yuanThe

Layout of the whole line, blossoming everywhere. As early as 2007, Jiangsu was the first to support the development of software industry with local regulations "Jiangsu Province Software Industry Promotion Regulations". At present, Jiangsu to Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou as the center of the formation of software industry agglomeration belt, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Nantong embedded software, Suqian, Yangzhou information technology service industry to maintain rapid growth ...... Jiangsu software industry is to "Jiangsu and Anhui" and Jiangsu software industry is moving towards "Jiangsu-Wanzhou" and "Suzhou-Shanghai-Zhejiang" to form "software innovation corridor along the Yangtze River".

How to realize the software industry trillion breakthrough with the strength of a city? Nanjing is stepping up to break the problem.

"Efforts will be made to enhance the innovation ability, promote the collaborative research of production, academia and research and the transformation of technological achievements; efforts will be made to expand the scale of the industry, and accelerate the gathering of a number of global software 500 enterprises, domestic software 100 enterprises, and domestic and foreign listed software enterprises." At the China Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference and China (Nanjing) International Software Products and Information Services Trade Fair held last year, Nanjing Mayor Chen Zhichang put forward the above development goals.

According to Nanjing's industrial development plan, by 2025, the scale of the city's software and information services exceeded 1 trillion yuan, with more than 1.1 million software-related employees, and the scale and comprehensive competitiveness of the industry ranked at the forefront of the country.

Industrial Software Power

In the software industry, industrial software accounts for a small proportion, but the brain and nerve of industrial manufacturing. For Jiangsu, which is building a strong manufacturing province, theIt is important to have both "soft" and "hard" tools.The

As a development enterprise of operating system in the industrial field, the relevant person in charge of Nanjing Yihui said, "The industrial scale of the domestic industrial operating system is less than one hundred billion at present, but if it is used as a base to industrial equipment, intelligent manufacturing scenarios derived from the future can be expected to expand to a trillion-dollar market scale."

"In the automotive manufacturing industry, whether it is a large-scale OEM, or small and medium-sized enterprises with multiple varieties and small batches, there are some differences between their production plans and the actual." Wang Feng, Executive Vice President of Wuxi Snow Wave Industrial Software Research Institute, said, "Based on this, we developed factory simulation and real-time optimization software, which can preview and validate the production plan in advance, allowing factories to reduce costs and increase efficiency."

In addition to "intelligent production", industrial software is also constantly expanding application scenarios, enabling "intelligent life". Supported by software algorithms.Suzhou's "smart car", "smart road" and other intelligent transportation scenarios can be touched and feltThe

Aiming at high-end industrial software, grabbing the new industrial track. Over the years, a large number of industrial software enterprises in Nanjing have taken the rich industrial scene as a whetstone, oriented to the effective market demand of the new manufacturing industry, and fully utilized the new technologies such as cloud, AI, big data, advanced network, etc., to replace the track of technological competition. At present.Nanjing industrial software products are widely used in key industries such as equipment manufacturing, electronic information, electric power and energy, iron and steel, aviation, aerospace, shipping and so on.The

Previously, Jiangsu has industrial software as the "14th Five-Year Plan" period of development priorities included in the province's software industry planning. Layout ahead of time also let Jiangsu harvest fruit: 2023, Jiangsu completed industrial software business income of 325.98 billion yuan, an increase of 15.2%, higher than the software industry industry-wide growth rate of 5.7 percentage points.

At the end of December last year, the General Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Government issued "on accelerating the independent innovation of industrial software a number of policies and measures", from 6 aspects of a total of 19 specific measures to further accelerate the promotion of basic software and industrial software industry, high-quality development, which emphasizes the "support for the first trial of the first use of innovative products".

"Jiangsu in the software industry, there is still strong momentum, a new generation of artificial intelligence research and development is closely related to the Internet big data, the need to be from the production, research and development of all aspects of synergistic planning." Tang Jinhui, dean of the School of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, believes that Jiangsu can do better by building a benign development ecology of "R&D-application-iteration".

There has been a "quantity" more, more "quality" excellent. Jiangsu clear, to 2025, the province's software industry scale strive to reach 1.6 trillion yuan, to cultivate 10 ten billion geese type software enterprises, built a national software industry cluster.
