
National Demonstration! Two Lishui schools on the list

Recently the Ministry of Education and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission announced the list of model schools for national defense education in primary and secondary schools for 2023Lishui Experimental Primary SchoolLishui District Third Senior High Schoolbe on the list

Lishui Experimental Primary School

  Lishui Experimental Primary School, founded in 1905, is a school that has experienced a hundred years of accumulation, inheritance and development. The school inherits and carries forward the "Gaoping" culture of the century-old experimental primary school, makes full use of the advantages of the local red education base, and steadily promotes the national defense education step by step, starting from the goal of education, education philosophy, school motto and school-based curriculum construction.

  Schools have established a politically reliable, well-qualified, dedicated national defense education teachers, national defense education into the campus, into the teaching materials, into the classroom, into the daily teaching, the use of the theme of the class meeting, campus television, blackboard, electronic class sign and other main positions, so that the national defense education into a trickle of silent.

 "We also create new channels of national defense education in the form of social practice, parent-child activities, parent classrooms and other forms of national defense education, planting the seed of 'serving the motherland and strengthening the country' in the hearts of children and young people." The person in charge of Lishui Experimental Primary School introduced that the school's "little army fans" had won the first prize in the Nanjing National Defense Education Carnival, and two first prizes, two second prizes, and two third prizes in the Nanjing National Defense and Human Defense Knowledge Tabloid Creation Competition 2023.

Lishui District Third Senior High School

  Lishui District Third Senior High School is a provincial three-star ordinary high school. The school combines the overall requirements of national defense education, takes "military training leads the way, national defense educates people, close cooperation between the military and the local community" as the guiding ideology, organically combines the work of moral education with the work of double embrace, popularizes the national defense education in depth and strengthens the national defense education constantly, and organizes the students to participate in the activities of the military training camps and national defense education and military outreach training from time to time.

In order to improve the effectiveness of the school's moral education work, strengthen the students' patriotic education, improve the students' sense of identification with the military, a sense of yearning, and promote the troops under the jurisdiction of the school resources sharing, the school and the People's Liberation Army, a department of the PLA to establish a relationship of co-construction, and regularly carry out lectures, on-site visits to the teaching.

In recent years, the school has won the national national defense education characteristics of the school, the national students military training competition activities excellent organizational units, the national red cross youth self-rescue knowledge contest first prize, advanced units of military training for students in jiangsu province, nanjing national defense education demonstration school, nanjing unit of defense organization collective third-class merit.

Defense education across the region is fruitful

  In recent years, the District Education Bureau attaches great importance to the work of national defense education in primary and secondary schools, insisting on national defense education as a basic project to enhance the youth's awareness of national defense and cultivate the spirit of the nation, integrating national defense education into the subject system, teaching activities and daily management, guiding teachers and students to enhance the awareness of national defense and inheritance of the red genes, and further promote the education system of national defense education, double embrace work to go deep and effective.

 To date, the region has created3 National Defense Education Model Schools(Lishui Economic and Technological Development Zone Elementary School, Lishui Experimental Elementary School, Lishui Third Senior High School)2 National Defense Education Characteristic Schools(Jiangsu Lishui Senior High School, Lishui District Third Senior High School).
