
No. 1 in the province, accounting for 40% of

be facing (us)

Cross-border e-commerce has become

A Surging Force for New Foreign Trade Formsin NanjingMany foreign trade enterprises riveted

Taking advantage of cross-border e-commerce development opportunities

"Cloudy" and "materialistic".

proceed according to the waves (idiom); to take advantage of the situation

Growing "global business"

According to the city's Department of Commerce, as ofThe city's cross-border e-commerce scale is the first in the province, accounting for about 40% of the province's weightIt has become a new driving force for foreign trade development, a new channel for transformation and upgrading, and a new hand for high-quality development.

Embrace the opportunity to flourish

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars, 3 million U.S. dollars, 10 million U.S. dollars - in the past three years, Greensboro Industrial Products Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. rapid growth in turnover, 2023 volume exceeded the "ten million" U.S. dollars.

As soon as it landed in Nanjing in May 2020, Greensboro set its sights on the industrial goods cross-border e-commerce track. As a cross-border supply chain service platform for industrial products, Greensboro Industrial Products focuses on medium- and large-sized industrial products such as electromechanical, mechanical and industrial consumables specialized for heavy industrial factories, and also provides engineering services such as cross-border supply chain for industrial products and customized design of key parts and components, and modification of production lines.

In addition to targeting the new track of cross-border e-commerce for industrial products, accurately seizing the demand for infrastructure in emerging markets is also the key for Greensboro Industrial Products to realize the stride forward. Victor Wu, CFO of Greensboro Industrial Products Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. said that emerging markets such as the Middle East are in a period of rapid development of large infrastructure and industrialization, and the demand for industrial products is high.The "Belt and Road" initiative has brought opportunities for the company's development, and the company is currently building an overseas offline service network to better serve more Chinese manufacturing enterprises to sell their products globally.The

Facing the challenges head on, transforming for change

early last month

Nanjing Cross-border E-commerce (Xuanwu) Industrial Park

Official opening of the park

Helping enterprises to go to sea in compliance, promoting the conversion of Internet inquiries into orders, 24/7 online marketing platform for enterprises to attract traffic, the launch of the "government, credit, bank and enterprise" model to provide more favorable financing and logistics services ...... Soho Textile with its own built Soho Textile has stationed in the park with its self-constructed "Soho 9710 cross-border EB2B system", which brings the whole chain of services for foreign trade enterprises.

From the traditional foreign trade enterprises to service enterprises "cloud" to go to sea "service provider", Soho Textile has realized the transformation of cross-border e-commerce "gorgeous turn". With the successful experience of Soho 9710 system, Soho Textile Group was honored by China Electronic Chamber of Commerce."Recommended partner for trade digitization"and was selected by the China Association for Trade in Services as"2023 Cross-Border E-Commerce Innovation Cases"The

Business is changing.

Cross-border e-commerce industry development of

The ecosystem is also changing

Ecosystem building also requires innovation and change

Nanjing cross-border e-commerce (Xuanwu) industrial park, that is, the innovative construction of "a platform of six centers" of digital integrated service platform. Just a year ago, enterprises in Xuanwu District realized the "first single" tax rebate for departure from Jiangsu Province, namely, the purchase of tax rebates to the account. 2023, December 15, the first digital cross-border e-commerce industrial park in Jianye District - Jiangsu Jiangdao digital cross-border e-commerce industrial park was officially opened, and a number of enterprises, such as Shengshihui Trade, Huasuchi Technology, etc., signed contracts and landed in the park. Trade, Huasuchi Technology and a number of other enterprises signed a contract to land in Jianye District, injecting strong kinetic energy into the building of an international e-commerce industry cluster in Jianye District.

Half a month, two cross-border e-commerce industrial park in Ning landing, not only to realize the signing of the enterprise settlement, but also reached the departure tax rebate that is to buy that is refunded to the account of the "new achievements".Vividly demonstrated the vitality and potential of Nanjing's cross-border e-commerce businessThe

According to the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, since the approval of the third batch of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area in July 2018, the city has accelerated the construction of platform carriers, cultivated the gathering of business subjects, improved the support service system, and taken multiple measures to promote the innovative and transformative development of cross-border e-commerce.At present, the city has built five provincial and municipal cross-border e-commerce industrial parks, 21 provincial and municipal public overseas warehouse pilot projects, and 19 municipal cross-border e-commerce entrepreneurship and innovation incubation bases. These industrial parks and incubation bases are exerting their respective platform values and becoming an important force for Nanjing to build a high-quality cross-border e-commerce ecosystem.

Policy services to give full confidence

On December 21, 2023, Sumida Hardware Company, an enterprise in Jiangbei New Area, successfully declared and obtained a tax rebate for export goods declared in the mode of "cross-border e-commerce B2B export overseas warehouse (9810)".

In order to help enterprises reduce the cost and risk of cross-border e-commerce business compliance, the city has innovated its business model toCreate a "one-click customs clearance, online tax refund" cross-border overseas service platformIn addition, it connects customs, tax, foreign exchange management and other data to solve the pain and difficulty of the seller's direct 9610 customs declaration and warehouse 9810 tax rebate.

Service with temperature

Policies are strong

Enterprises will have the courage to fight and break through

At the end of November last year, the City Council Office issuedNanjing Plan for Promoting High-Quality Development of Cross-Border E-Commerce (2023-2025)In order to accelerate the construction of Nanjing Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone and promote the development of cross-border e-commerce to realize the "doubling of the scale and quantity, improvement of trade quality and efficiency, and leaping of industrial strength," the company has proposed the implementation of the four major actions of "main body cultivation, industrial development, service guarantee and ecological construction", with a total of 18 key tasks. ". The plan makes it clear that by the end of 2025, the city will create more than 5 cross-border e-commerce industrial belts, cultivate more than 20 provincial cross-border e-commerce industrial parks, more than 15 provincial public overseas warehouses, more than 15 provincial cross-border e-commerce export brands, and develop more than 40 municipal cross-border e-commerce entrepreneurship and innovation incubation bases.

On December 20 last year, Nanjing cross-border e-commerce policy interpretation training meeting, the provincial Department of Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Taxation Bureau, Jinling Customs, China CITIC Insurance Company of Jiangsu Province Branch and other joint cross-border e-commerce enterprises to send the latest policy counseling.Helping enterprises clarify policies, make good use of concessions, avoid risks, and realize digital and compliant developmentThe

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that next, Nanjing will seize the "Services sector opening up + Pilot Free Trade Zone"Two major national open strategy opportunities, in-depth implementation of the Development Plan, refine the tasks and initiatives to further deepen the construction of China (Nanjing) Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Cross-border E-commerce, enhance the level of high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce in Nanjing, and promote foreign trade to maintain stability and improve quality.
