
It's about you and me! Nanjing optimizes the business environment scene on a new

for the past few years

Nanjing has iteratively launched five versions of policies to optimize business environment

Adding confidence and power to the development of business entities

Optimizing the business environment

last year

The city will continue to develop innovative application scenarios 

First 2024

Optimizing Business Environment Innovative Application Scenarios Are Here


enter (classical)Realize digital RMB "one code, one payment" for housing tax and fees

The Nanjing Real Estate Transaction and Real Estate Registration Internet Service System connects the city's unified payment platform to the bank's digital currency system, integrates the digital currency payment business into the tax payment business system, realizes the digital RMB payment of all housing-related taxes and fees such as taxes, registration fees, property maintenance funds, etc., and achieves the automatic reconciliation of all taxes and fees, the automatic clearing of all taxes and fees and the automatic deposit of all taxes and fees into the treasury, thus creating a "Nanjing Model" for the payment of digital RMB in the field of real estate transaction and registration in the country. This has created a national "Nanjing model" of digital RMB payment in the field of real estate transaction and registration.

First in Jiangsu

Pavilion for the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Municipal Area

Built in Nanjing Railway Transportation Procuratorate

The Protection Pavilion announced more than 30 typical cases of trademarks, patents, copyrights and trade secrets, more than 20 registered trademark infringement profiles, and more than 20 types of infringing products, and will continue to carry out the "Procuratorial Open Day", press conferences and other activities, inviting all sectors of the community to visit, and further enhance the awareness of the whole society, especially the innovative and entrepreneurial subjects of intellectual property protection. The main body of intellectual property protection awareness.

"Immediate Refund on Departure"

Enhancing the shopping experience for overseas travelers

The Municipal Taxation Bureau has innovated to create "instant departure refund" service, and the first departure tax refund "buy and refund" pilot in the province has settled in Xuanwu Deji Plaza. The tax refund mode of self-service for tax refund users online and standardization of tax refund agencies' offline issuance and receipt processes eliminates scenarios and language barriers for global shoppers and provides a more convenient and efficient shopping experience.

Regional assessment full-process application system

Construction completed and operational

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources has taken the lead in building a full-process application system for regional assessment, forming a database of regional assessment results covering 55 districts in the city, and realizing the sharing and common use of multiple system platforms such as the municipal engineering and construction project examination and approval system and the city's "Multi-Planning and Integration" business synergy platform, which has enabled the city to enter into the "systematized and intelligent" stage of generating and applying regional assessment results. The generation and application of the city's regional assessment results have entered the stage of "systematization and intelligence", and the effectiveness of regional assessment services for project approval has been greatly improved.


public creditReporting system goes live

Starting from January 1, 2024, enterprises will have the option of obtaining a dedicated public credit report online, which can be used to prove that they have a record of no violations of the law in the relevant fields within the administrative area of the city. In contrast to the previous practice of going to various departments to obtain a certificate of no violation of law, enterprises now only need to log on to the Credit Nanjing website (or "My Nanjing" app, "My Nanjing" WeChat mini-program), verify their identity, and then check the options of use and fields. Now, enterprises only need to log on to the Credit Nanjing website (or "My Nanjing" app) and check the options of use and field after identity verification, which greatly reduces the burden on enterprises.

Reform of the registration confirmation system to optimize business start-up

Relying on the "Internet + government services", Jiangbei New Area on-line enterprise residence information verification system, in the enterprise to set up the registration of residence information for intelligent verification, to realize the registration of the exact address matching, check through the residence no longer need to provide enterprises with the use of the supporting materials, and at the same time the integration of the name of the independent declaration, the standardization of the scope of business expression and the identity of the electronic authentication. At the same time, it integrates the independent declaration of name, standardized expression of business scope and electronic authentication of identity, realizing "zero material" to start a business, "zero manual intervention" in the whole process, offline on-the-spot confirmation, and online intelligent examination and approval.

Catering fumes "wash on the code"

Improving the effectiveness of law enforcement and supervision

Qinhuai District was the first in the province to launch the "code on the wash" platform, the implementation of "a one-code", the full use of online monitoring of food and beverage fumes and "code on the wash" platform of scientific and technological means, on the enterprise fumes Purification facilities "no reason not to open", "low purification efficiency" and other issues in a timely manner early warning, to carry out off-site law enforcement inspections, a strong increase in the effectiveness of law enforcement and supervision, to reduce the impact on the normal business of catering enterprises.

"Pro-Clean - Government Port"

Opening up the "last kilometer" of work

Jianye District's "Pro-Clear-Government Port" adopts an "offline+online" integrated service model combining window processing and self-service, with an integrated processing window, a web-based service window, a help-do window and a self-service governmental affairs area offline, and an intelligent help-do system in Jianye District online. On-line, the Jianye District Intelligent Help Handling System has been built, and the Xiaomo Handling Specialist can dock with the needs of enterprises in real time and handle them remotely face-to-face. Currently, more than 1,100 government services have been realized in the "port".

The city's first remote litigation

Archives Borrowing and Lending System is officially online and running

Gulou District in Nanjing litigation service network on-line operation of the city's first remote litigation file lending system, to achieve in the cell phone, computer client file lending process of identity verification, borrowing audit, the results of the remote push, for the jurisdiction of the main body of the business to provide standardized, efficient and convenient file information services.

The province's first digitized odd-job market

Completed and put into use in Sushia

The digitized intelligent scene built in the venue covers job-seeking and recruitment, vocational guidance, skills training, entrepreneurial services, policy advice, rights and interests, etc., providing more opportunities and more protection for flexible employment, but also allowing enterprises to employ workers without worries, and realizing the employment supply and demand ends of the "bidirectional run to".

"Timely Rain" Multi-disciplinary Dispute Resolution Intelligence Platform

Promoting the deep integration of litigation and mediation

Yuhuatai District is actively exploring new modes of multi-disputes resolution, and has created a "timely rain" multi-disputes resolution intelligence platform. The platform opens up the information silos of non-litigation and litigation, helps industry-specific professional mediation of conflicts, and is compatible with the Provincial Department of Justice's "Sue Dispute Resolution" APP, which can remotely resolve conflicts and disputes in other places. Upon application by the parties, the mediation agreement can be uploaded to the district court through the "docking", and the district court will handle the judicial confirmation of agreements that cannot be honored immediately, so as to enhance the fulfillment rate of the mediation agreement.

First major municipal project

"Water, Electricity, Gas and Telecommunications" Joint Reporting and Installation Completed in Jiangning

Jiangning District through the integration of resources, reduce links, optimize the process, break through the construction units in the handling of water, electricity, gas and telecommunications for the installation of their respective independent mode of operation, the implementation of "water, electricity, gas and telecommunications," "a single application, a reply, collaborative access" service model, to complete the first major municipal projects "water, electricity, gas and telecommunications" online joint installation work. Municipal major projects "water, electricity, gas and telecommunications" online joint installation work, the total duration of 7 working days, the approval of the effectiveness of more than 30%.

Land for industrial projects

Realization of "zero material" for the first registration of immovable property

Pukou District to open the real estate registration department and the front approval department "information barriers" between the realization of data sharing, the transfer contract, delivery of land confirmation, business license, transfer invoices and other materials can be read in the "Internet + integrated government services system". Enterprises holding business licenses and original agent ID cards go to the offline registration hall for verification, payment of taxes and fees can be registered and issued certificates, realizing a seamless "zero time difference, zero materials, one-stop" connection between land handover and certificate issuance.

Pilot mandatory withdrawal of individual business households

Taking the lead in Luhe District

Liuhe District is the first in the province to explore the pilot work of mandatory withdrawal of individual industrial and commercial households. After two consecutive years of failure to submit annual reports and field verification of not operating in the registered residence, registration is revoked according to law or the business license is revoked according to law, the individual business households that have been removed according to law, clear no unpaid taxes and fees and unsettled tax-related matters, the people's government of Liouhe District website will be publicized, and after the expiration of the period of publicity and no objections will be withdrawn from the market mandatory withdrawal.

Expect to optimize the business environment to innovate application scenarios

Multiple batches, small cuts, wide areas, full coverage

Promoting Mutual Learning and Mutual Appreciation in a Deep and Practical Way

Promote the continuous optimization and improvement of the city's business environment
