
Municipal Party Committee held a briefing for veteran comrades Han Liming briefed on the city's economic and social development and the plenary session of the Municipal Party Committee, the spirit of the city's two sessions

On February 2, the municipal party committee held a briefing for old comrades. Municipal Party Committee Secretary Han Liming briefed on the economic and social development of the city in 2023 and the spirit of the 15th seven plenary sessions of the Municipal Party Committee, the second session of the 17th National People's Congress, the second session of the 15th Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Han Liming pointed out in his briefing that the year 2023, which has just passed, is a year in which Nanjing carried glory, defied the storm and took solid steps to promote high-quality development.

The city adheres to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide, plans and promotes the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, learns and implements the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches on the work of Jiangsu Province and carries out the theme of the three major events of education, and concentrates on working hard for the economy, promoting development, benefiting the people's livelihoods and ensuring safety, and makes new progress in various undertakings.

It has focused on six areas in promoting high-quality development:

First, the system to clarify the development direction and path of industrial strength, to break the traditional industries as "low-end industries" simply exit the misunderstanding, clearly put forward the industrial city, manufacturing city, and the development and implementation of the three-year action plan.

Secondly, we are planning to build a coherent system for transforming scientific and technological achievements, and to promote the integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain.

Thirdly, it actively promotes the high-quality development of development parks, and promotes the reform of the institutional mechanism for the synergistic development of Qixia Administrative District, Nanjing Economic Development Zone and Xianlin University Town.

Fourthly, it has accelerated the construction of a pattern of integrated urban and rural development, transformed the development mode of megacities, and had the nature of its cities and the positioning of its core functions finalized by the State Council.

Fifthly, we continue to amplify the advantages of history and culture, increase the protection of historical and cultural heritage, and make the charm of the ancient capital and the city brand more visible.

Sixth, the improvement of people's livelihood and grass-roots governance, to do a good job of the people's expectations of practical matters, deepen grass-roots governance and make up for the shortcomings of the security toughness of the difficult things, the people's sense of achievement, happiness and security is more fulfilling.

Han Liming said, about this year's work, the municipal party committee fifteen seven plenary session put forward the "3610" objectives and tasks, the city's two sessions of the annual goal to make specific arrangements.

The municipal government will focus on economic construction as the central work and high-quality development as the primary task, firmly establish a correct view of performance, motivate cadres at all levels, mobilize the city to know the weight of the weight of the practical work, take responsibility for the responsibility to pick the beam, and strive to write "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Nanjing modernization and construction of a new chapter.

Han Liming emphasized that the achievements could not be separated from the foundation and contributions made by the old leaders and comrades, and the creation of a new bureau could not be separated from your concern and support.

I hope that all the old leaders and comrades will continue to give full play to their political advantages, experience and prestige, and give more valuable advice on the city's reform, development and stabilization efforts.

Municipal government will do a good job in the new era of old cadres with more heart and soul, as always, respect and care and learn from the old comrades, do a good job of all services and guarantees, and strive to make everyone more politically honored, more sense of belonging to the organization, and more happiness in life.

Municipal leaders Wang Hua and Jiang Yuejian, old comrades who formerly held leadership positions above the deputy municipal level, some retired cadres under municipal management and representatives of party branch secretaries of retired cadres attended.
