
Nanjing Railway Station: daily average of 266,000 passengers

According to China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co.

Yangtze River Delta Railway 2024 New Year's Day Holiday Transportation

Launching Today

Holiday transportation for five days

Yangtze River Delta Railway expects to send 12.5 million passengers

Average of 2.5 million passengers per day

Over 15% increase from the same period in 2019

Railroad Nanjing Station is expected to send 1.33 million passengers (daily average 266,000), up 10.7% from the same period in 2019. Among them, December 30, 2023 will see the peak of passenger travel, with 305,000 passengers expected to be sent throughout the day.

With the opening of the new line and the new allocation of rolling stock trains into the 2024 New Year's Day holiday transportation, showing the second and fourth day of passenger flow, the third day of passenger flow lower characteristics, passenger flow mainly in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hefei, Xuzhou, Wuhu, Nantong, Yancheng and other short- and medium-distance passenger flow.

Among them.December 30-31, 2023, Nanjing to Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other directions are more adequate tickets. In order to meet the travel demand of passengers, during the New Year's Day holiday transportation, the railroad station in Nanjing will implement the peak line operation chart, and will expand the capacity through the heavy coupling of train sets and the addition of high-speed trains.

In order to do a good job of the New Year's Day holiday transportation, the Nanjing Railway Station of all the in and out of the station flow line has been further optimized, in the peak travel time to take all the passenger travel in and out of the station to open the channel, increase the security checking personnel and other measures to ensure that passengers travel smoothly. At the same time, will also be through the opening of additional ticket windows, optimize the adjustment of the ticket window sales, refunds, signing function, appropriate extension of window business hours to meet the passenger's ticketing needs.

Tickets at Nanjing Railway Station and Nanjing South High-speed Railway Station are available at 8:00 a.m. If passengers do not buy tickets at the first time, they can purchase tickets through the website of Railway 12306 or the waiting ticket function of Railway 12306 Mobile APP, or they can purchase a combined ticket for travel through intermediate transfer. Nanjing Railway Station and the waiting room of Nanjing South High-speed Railway Station are equipped with "158" Lei Feng Service Station, which can provide free voluntary assistance to the old, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant and other key travelers, and travelers in need can seek their help by consulting with the staff or making a phone call.
