
Promote the construction of the "ecological island of the imaginary mountain"! Heavyweight report released on Tianchong and Paihou villages ......

-Continuing to implement the renewal of the Temple Bridge Area and Feiyan Cultural and Industrial Neighborhood;

-Started the urban village renovation projects in two areas, including Tianchong and Paihou Village in the development zone, and Yangjiayuan and Honglan Community in the urban area;

-Built Kongjia Village in Jingqiao Township as a demonstration sample of ecological civilization construction;

Promote the construction of the "Eco-Island of Wusan";

Accelerating the declaration of the pilot "quarter-hour convenience service circle" in three communities, namely, Qinhuai Road Community, Tongji Street Community and Longshan Community;


Recently, the People's Government of Lishui District released the Government Work Report (2024), which, in addition to reviewing the work in 2023, also highlights thePriority tasks for 2024. Below, I carry out some of the contents and share them with you.

1. Enhance the contribution of plates. Create regional economic plates with complementary advantages and distinctive features.

Nanjing National Agricultural High-Tech Zone:To closely follow the "two districts and one place" positioning, vigorously develop bio-agriculture, food processing industry, agricultural machinery and equipment and other industries, and accelerate the building of the"Billion-dollar" parksThe

Development Zone:To plough into the new energy industry ecology, focus on the "three electrics", promote the construction of a chain development mode from the upstream core key components to the downstream green intelligent terminal, and accelerate the building of the"Hundred Billion" Industrial ParksThe

Yongyang Street:We must accelerate the development of the park's characteristic industries and create an influentialIndustrial Mother Industry ClusterThe

East Screen Street:To support the Baowu magnesium industry around the strength of the headquarters, to promote the magnesium-based new materials industry cluster landing, to accelerate the completion of theTen billion new materials industrial parkThe

Honglan Street:To focus on automotive core parts manufacturing, precision machinery manufacturing, to create a "small but fine", "specialized and refined"."Billion-dollar" industrial parksThe

Seokchu Street:To promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry to createIntelligent Manufacturing Equipment Industry ClusterThe

and the town of Phoenix:To expand and strengthen the cross-strait (and Feng) mechanical and electrical industry cooperation demonstration park, the construction of the"A town with a strong electromechanical industry"The

Crystal Bridgetown:To accelerate the development of intelligent medical industry around theNanjing Smart Recreation Innovation ParkConstruction.

Hi-Tech:To promote the integration and development of new medicine and life and health industry chain and innovation chain, to create a "poly enterprise into a chain, poly chain into a group" of theindustrial centerThe

2. Enhance the degree of project support.

push forward with greater vigor57 provincial and municipal major projectscap (a poem)231 key industrial projects in the districtConstruction, to ensure that the first half of the construction of 90%, the third quarter of all construction.

Promote the Smart Recreation and Nutrition Innovation Park, etc.12 projects to be completed and put into operation within the yearThe

Implement fund investment, stock investment, central enterprise investment, high standard to do a good job in Beijing central enterprises to attract project docking meeting, the Golden Fair Lishui session and so on.30 thematic investment activitiesEnsure contractingMore than 100 projects above 100 million yuanWe strive to introduceMore than 3 billion projects,More than 2 projects at the $5 billion level,More than 1 project of 10 billionThe

3. Plowing the "testing ground" for reform.

In-depth implementation of the deepening and upgrading of the reform of State-owned enterprises.URBTOWN:To focus on urban development and operation, industrial carriers, infrastructure and other areas.Promoting the development of new towns in the south of the cityThe

Industry Group:pay attention tocultural, tourism and sports industriesIn conjunction with the 10 models of the "Yard of No Idea", we have promoted the seamless integration of revitalizing idle assets and introducing quality projects.

Ligao pitched:To focus on science and technology, industry and city integration investment and operation, continue to deepen the "new research institutions + associated enterprises + funds" twinning mechanism, to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, science and technology industry landing.

State-owned enterprises in the district, such as the State-owned Assets Group, the Environment Group, the Economic Development Group, and the Agricultural High Group:To focus on the main responsibilities and main business, accelerate the pace of market-oriented transformation, and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.

4. Shape and optimize the "new pattern" of opening up.

Deepening the construction of the National Demonstration Zone for Airborne EconomyIn order to strengthen the gateway hubs and open platforms, fully release the superimposed effect of "bonded + air + port + cross-border", implement the "industrial zone + cross-border e-commerce "Cultivation program, the implementation of real estate industrial products cross-border e-commerce B2B export action, and strive to create a provincial cross-border e-commerce industrial park.

Developing the exhibition economyIn order to build a new ecology of market-oriented and integrated exhibitions, we have made good use of platforms such as Airport International Expo Center and Baima Agricultural International Expo Center to create an exhibition brand with Lishui's characteristics.

Supporting the scenic spot of Wuxi Water Town to strive for the provincial night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration area, and cultivating more than one special economic agglomeration area.Add more than 70 new specialty consumer scenesThe

5. Renewing the quality of the city.

Optimize the spatial structure and layout of the city, adhere to cluster and multi-center development, and strengthen theOld Town Area"Small and Beautiful" project packages to promoteEast City DistrictPlanning and construction, upgradingCity West AreaFunctional quality, perfectindustrial zoneLife function carriers.

Deepening "warm urban renewal" and continuing to implementRenewal of Temple Bridge Area and Feiyan Cultural and Industrial NeighborhoodsIn addition, it has completed the renovation of 110,000 square meters of old districts, and implemented the ecological restoration project of domestic landfills in an orderly manner.

Accelerate the promotion of the construction of secure housing, "flat emergency dual-use" public infrastructure construction, the transformation of urban villages and other "three major projects", to start the development zoneTin Chung and Pai Tau Villageurban areaYoung Homes and Hung Lan Communityand other 2 areas of urban village renovation projects.

(Aerial view of Terabashi neighborhood)

6. Promoting rural revitalization.

impelCreation of 6 municipal livable and beautiful villages, accelerating the construction of the Red Lixiang Provincial Characteristic Rustic Countryside Demonstration Area.Add more than 2 provincial characteristic idyllic villagesThe

7. Guarding green water and mountains.

The implementation of the auxiliary East River, three dry rivers, Shishu Lake Bantian Wei and other elimination projects, to ensure the creation of 51 happy rivers and lakes, rural ecological river 75.

Completion of a new roundComprehensive management of Lake TaihuAction 16 annual plans, 7 key projects that will beJingqiao Town Kongjia VillageBuild as a model sample of ecological civilization construction.

Utilizing the "Ringgit Loan" financial support policy.Promoting the construction of the "Eco-Island of Mt. Wushan"found, accelerate the construction of the pilot EOD project in the Agricultural High-Tech Zone and start the EOD project in the Development Zone.

8. Improving social security.

Implement the action of college students in Lishui staying in Lishui and college students outside Lishui returning to Lishui to ensure that6,000 new jobs in towns and cities throughout the yearIn addition, it has assisted more than 1,500 people in difficulty to find employment, supported 950 people to start their own businesses and led more than 200 college students to start their own businesses.

realizeMeals on Wheels for the ElderlyEnhancement Program to create one national model age-friendly community; promote theInclusive childcare(c) The construction of a service system and the coordinated allocation of resources for childcare services for children aged 0-6 years, so as to effectively reduce the costs of childbearing, upbringing and education for the public.

Promote the construction of complete residential communities and accelerateQinhuai Road Community, Tongji Street Community, Longshan CommunityPilot declaration of three community "quarter-hour convenience service circles".

mobilizationGuaranteed rental housing 811 unitsAllocation12,800 resettlement houses, so that the public can live in stability and security.

9. Optimizing public services.

Focus on quality and balanced development of education and furtherIncrease the introduction of resources of the city's first-class prestigious schoolsAccelerating the introduction ofMechanics Elementary School, Municipal KindergartenTo cooperate in running schools in Li and to promoteKam Wo Kindergarten and Xue Li Dong Road KindergartenCommissioned.Chengnan Elementary SchoolThe main body of the project was topped out and startedChengnan Junior High SchoolConstruction.

impelExtension of group-run schools to remote rural areasTo ensure that the coverage rate of compulsory education group schooling reaches 50%, and strive to become a provincial compulsory education quality and balanced development area. Combined with the needs of students in rural schools, explore the provision of personalized customized bus and school bus services.

Deepen the construction of "Healthy Lishui", develop traditional Chinese medicine, strengthen the construction of major disease prevention and control and public health service system, and accelerate the promotion of theDistrict People's Hospital, District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the creation of three hospitals, as well as the creation of the Third People's Hospital, a tertiary specialized psychiatric hospital.

10. Hold the red line on debt risk.

(c) Coordinating the resolution of risks of small and medium-sized financial institutions.Strengthening the tracking and monitoring of conflicts in commercial complexes and other areasIt has also cracked down on illegal financial activities and prevented systemic financial risks.

Adhere to the precise application of policies to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, and do a good job.Ensure the delivery of buildings, people's livelihood and stabilitywork to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
