
Promoting high-level opening up to the outside world, Nanjing does this!

  In recent years, Nanjing adheres to the high level of openness to promote high-quality development, accelerating services to build a new development pattern of domestic and international double-cycle, and the open economy has taken a solid step forward.

I. Better "test the system for the country", and the systematic opening up of the country will show new actions.

  Continuously improve the function of port hubs, the river port opens 10 classes of Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and other near-oceanic routes and 65 classes of Shanghai-Ningbo foreign trade feeder routes every week, the air port resumes the opening of 33 international passenger and cargo routes, and the Lukou Airport international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan connecting flights transit channel is also resumed from August 15 to improve the efficiency of customs clearance and enhance the ability to link the global market; efficiently implement the national special action for cross-border trade facilitation, deepen the reform of port clearance mode, and continuously improve process, reduce documents and strengthen services. It has efficiently implemented the national cross-border trade facilitation special action, deepened the reform of customs clearance mode at ports, continuously optimized the process, reduced the number of documents and strengthened the service, and compressed the overall import and export clearance time at Nanjing ports by more than 80% and 90% respectively compared with that of 2017, and the indicators of cross-border trade have been awarded as "National Benchmarking" for two consecutive years. We have implemented the national treatment for foreign enterprises, expanded the opening up of 10 categories of service industries such as business, finance, law, culture, professional services, etc., liberalized the access for foreign investors, enhanced the freedom and convenience of cross-border flow of four elements such as capital, personnel, goods and data, etc., and facilitated the entry into the Nanjing market of foreign investors such as foreign-invested companies, offshore credit rating agencies, and foreign-funded entertainment performances and brokerage agencies.

II. Better integration of the domestic and international markets, and a new approach to smooth double-cycling

  International consumer center city construction as the traction, continue to build "Nanjing International Consumption Festival" gold standard, vigorously develop the first store economy, Deji Plaza international first-line brands stationed more than 90%, Jinling Central, Sun Hung Kai IFC and other key business projects to accelerate the landing to help the consumer market to take the lead in the recovery of the first half of this year the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8.9% year-on-year. The total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8.9% year-on-year. The in-depth implementation of foreign trade "thousands of enterprises and thousands of groups" and other actions to help enterprises to go to sea to grab orders and expand the market, the scale of imports and exports accounted for the proportion of the province continued to improve; actively develop new forms of new modes of foreign trade, the national service outsourcing demonstration cities ranked second in the comprehensive evaluation of the country for four consecutive years, and the scale of cross-border The scale of cross-border e-commerce accounted for nearly 50% of the province's share of cross-border e-commerce pilot zone construction was evaluated as one of the country's top ten; continue to consolidate the export advantages of new industries, the first half of this year, electric people mover, lithium batteries, solar batteries, and other "new three kinds" of exports increased by 50.2% year-on-year, and has become a new engine of growth in foreign trade.

Third, more efforts to attract foreign investment, strengthen the chain to complement the chain to extend the chain to show new behavior

  Innovative implementation of the "multinational headquarters line" activities, and actively build the Expo special promotion, global trade fair, gold fair and other high-level investment platforms, strengthen the foreign investment in major projects to promote services, Nanjing as a hot spot for foreign investment. At present, the structure of foreign investment is constantly optimized, attracting a number of landmark foreign investment projects, Hilton, BASF and other well-known multinational corporations in the Asia-Pacific region or China shared center operation, Siemens world's first native digital factory successfully put into production, the global retail giant Kaishikai China's first flagship flagship store of the whole ecological model to start the construction of the world's high-end resources continue to gather the elements. Give full play to the role of the main open area, Jiangning Economic Development Zone, Nanjing Economic Development Zone for many years in the country's more than 210 state-level economic development zones in the first square, TSMC, LG new energy and other major foreign-funded projects in the park to strongly support the city's 100-billion integrated circuits, new energy industry clusters.

IV. Deepening economic and trade cooperation along the "Belt and Road", and serving the national strategy to show a new role

  Focusing on targeting the markets of countries along the "Belt and Road", the company actively guides enterprises to go out to sea in groups, and has contracted more than 1,000 engineering projects in nearly 90 countries and regions; it organizes a series of activities for Nanjing enterprises to go out and promote investment, and focuses on the investment promotion of China-Arabian (United Arab Emirates) International Productivity Demonstration Park, and promotes the high-level construction of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones. It has organized a series of investment promotion activities for Nanjing enterprises to "go out", focusing on investment promotion of China-Arab (UAE) International Capacity Demonstration Park, and promoted the high-level construction of overseas economic and trade cooperation zone. Vigorously develop the China-European liner, the first in the Yangtze River Delta region to open Laos, Belarus and other lines opened this year, the first half of this year, the number of open cars ranked first in the province in terms of growth rate, to create a "Belt and Road" new channels for foreign trade; to promote the integration of transport and trade development, customized for the Nanjing LG, Skyworth Electric and other enterprises special trains, to help enterprises export products to reduce costs and improve efficiency; Increase the normalization of return liner cargo organization, becoming the first city in the province and the Yangtze River Delta region to realize the weekly operation of imported public liner.

Promoting the high-quality development of the city's open economy

For Jiangsu to build a world convergence

Contribute more to the two-way opening hub

Next, Nanjing does this

I. Closely follow the "innovation and opening up", and continue to build a new high ground of systematic opening up.

  Integrated implementation of the Pilot Free Trade Zone enhancement strategy, the expansion and opening up of the service industry, the innovative development of trade in services and other national pilot projects, deepen the study of high-standard international economic and trade rules, strengthen the fight for upward mobilization and publicity of enterprises, enhance the level of market access and system innovation, take the lead in the construction of the system system and regulatory model that is consistent with the international high-standard rules of economic and trade and strive to achieve breakthroughs in trade and investment, cross-border finance, intellectual property rights, international commercial affairs, It strives to make breakthroughs in project attraction and industry cultivation in key areas such as trade and investment, cross-border finance, intellectual property rights, international commercial affairs, biomedicine, green and low-carbon, and "fusion of two industries".

II. Focusing on "unimpeded domestic and international double-circulation" to continuously provide strong kinetic energy for high-quality development

  With the construction of an international consumption center city as the main line, we have concentrated on amplifying the influence of the mainstream IP of Nanjing International Consumption Festival, made great efforts to build two major carriers, namely, the benchmarking commercial district and the fashionable street, pushed forward the consumption promotion of the three major industries of automobiles, home appliances and household appliances, and vigorously developed the first store, the small store, the online store and the mobile micro-shop to give full play to the enduring pulling effect of consumption on the economy. Accelerate the strategy of strengthening the city through trade, promote the integration of domestic and foreign trade, and promote the coordinated development of domestic and foreign demand, import and export, trade in goods and trade in services.

Third, around the "innovative development of foreign capital and foreign trade", and continue to stabilize the basic disk of open development.

  Foreign trade.Promote the optimization and upgrading of trade in goods, and coordinate the innovative development of new forms and modes of business. Accelerate the development of digital trade, implement the three-year action plan with high quality, and cultivate a number of demonstration bases for the development of digital trade characteristics. Deepen the construction of the comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce, continue to resume, encrypt and add new international passenger and cargo flights, steadily expand the scale of the city's export of second-hand cars, and accelerate the cultivation of a new engine of foreign trade growth.On the foreign side.The implementation of the "Global Digital Service Provider Program", focusing on key areas, key cities and key industries to attract investment, continue to do a good job in the "Golden Fair", "Global Trade in Services Conference" and other key investment activities. Investment promotion activities. Vigorously implement the action of foreign investment to strengthen and supplement the chain and extend the chain, strengthen the elements of major foreign investment projects, especially landmark projects to protect, and drive more foreign-funded enterprises to layout deep plowing in Nanjing. Fully stimulate the synergistic effect of open platforms, and make the open platforms such as the Economic Development Zone, Free Trade Zone and Comprehensive Insurance Zone the main battlefield of the city's opening-up and innovation.

Fourth, highlighting the "two-way opening of economic and trade cooperation", and continue to expand the new space of openness and cooperation.

  Deepening and expanding foreign economic and trade relations, building a two-way platform for economic and trade cooperation and exchange, and strengthening interaction and exchange with domestic and foreign economic and trade representative bodies, international organizations and well-known business associations and other resources. We will continue to deepen economic and trade cooperation with the "Belt and Road" countries, support the development of China-EU liner, encourage enterprises in Ningbo to seek international cooperation opportunities in the directions of infrastructure construction and green low-carbon, actively undertake green energy projects such as photovoltaic and wind power projects, and promote the extension of traditional contracted projects to the high-end of the industrial chain such as equipment manufacturing, design and consulting, and so on. Support local enterprises to focus on intelligent manufacturing, digitalization and digitalization. Support local enterprises to carry out overseas investment and international capacity cooperation in key areas such as intelligent manufacturing, digital economy, platform economy, biomedicine, etc., and continuously promote the healthy and orderly development of China-Arab International Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Park.
