Dutch Food Valley(Food valley)
Company Profile|Objectives|Projects|Cooperation and Development
Part 01
Background and History
In the early 1990s, the Netherlands explored the transition from "intensive agriculture" to "bioeconomy". Academic institutions such as Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research Institute have produced a large number of relevant research results, and in order to solve the problem of transferring the results of technology from industry, academia and research, the Wageningen government set up the "City of Knowledge", which is dedicated to the transfer of technology results.
Dutch Food Valley was originally founded to bridge the gap between Dutch food companies and industry knowledge, and is committed to connecting these companies with experts in the private and public sectors, as well as nationally and internationally, in order to drive innovation and growth in the industry.
In 2004, the local government of Wageningen took the lead in establishing Food Valley Holland. With Wageningen University and its associated research centers at its core, it consists of food giant companies, Wageningen University, the local government and the East Holland Regional Development Agency (EHRDA), and aims to create "the world's strongest food cluster in the agriculture and food industry and in research". The region is home to around 15,000 technicians active in food and related professional development research. The Food Valley is home to many food multinationals, such as Nestlé, Danone, Unilever, Heinz and many other world-class food leaders, and forms a leading center of knowledge and research for the international food industry, as well as being the home of the Dutch Food and Nutrition Research Cluster.
Food Valley Holland links more than 280 partners to create healthier, tastier food through sustainable production methods, and is part of the "Troika" of Europe's food industry, along with the Öre Food Cluster in Denmark and Sweden, and the Food Cluster in Northern Italy.
Part 02
target location
Part 03
Research Project Industry
The demand for alternative proteins has shown a surge in recent years and is expected to continue growing. This holds great potential for new business opportunities and sustainable development. However, the production of alternative proteins faces a number of challenges, with production requiring higher-quality raw materials but the availability of knowledge, technology and facilities lagging behind. Such barriers are occurring with increasing frequency along the entire chain from resource production to processing and distribution, slowing down the rate at which new products reach consumer markets. The problem is also exacerbated by stagnation within the EU in the development of breeding for protein-rich resources.
Food Valley Netherlands is taking active steps to address these supply-side bottlenecks in order to deliver new, high-quality plant-based products to consumers more quickly. The Netherlands Foodgrains sees the potential of a localized protein production chain to improve quality and availability; moreover, the use of existing animal protein and cross-crop knowledge can be a valuable source of rapid technology transfer for alternative protein applications.
Food Valley Holland has been at the forefront of driving innovation and development in the food industry.In 2017, in response to the growing global demand for alternative proteins and to drive innovation in the protein sector, Food Valley Holland, together with the provinces of Gelderland, Overijssel, and Oost, Holland, established The Protein Community (TPC).
Improving the profitability and market value of plant protein cultivation in the Netherlands (legumes)
The Dutch Food Valley brings together farmers, the food industry and retailers in an efficient and collaborative network. This network not only helps farmers to understand market demand, but also provides technical guidance and marketing support for growing new protein crops.
Launch of the "Dutch Green Protein Farmer" quality label, which aims to increase the market value of products made from locally sourced protein-rich crops.
Development of diversified alternative protein products
To achieve the goal of mainstreaming alternative proteins, Holland Food Valley has formed an interdisciplinary coalition that includes key representatives from growers, processors, researchers, chefs, foodservice providers, retailers, consumers, and others.
In order to provide a diverse range of alternative protein products, 16 new alternative protein products are planned to be developed, including seven sustainable, healthy and novel sources.
Development of a National Protein Strategy (NES)
In 2022, the Dutch Food Valley joined 56 interested parties to sign the Green Deal for Protein: the National Protein Strategy (NES). The strategy aims to increase the EU's self-sufficiency in plant proteins and to improve soil quality and biodiversity. It also aims to create a good and fair income model for farmers.
This green protocol contributes to the protein shift, thus promoting a balanced dietary pattern of plant and animal proteins.
Food and Health
In our fast-paced modern life, the impact of our eating habits on our health is becoming more and more significant. Foods high in sugar, salt and fat have become a major contributor to many health problems, including the growing number of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Food Valley Holland is working to promote healthier and more sustainable dietary choices to improve public health.
In today's society, consumer behavior largely determines the type and quality of food available on the market, and products that are cheap, convenient and tasty have always been popular among consumers. However, these products are rarely synonymous with health. Even when healthy products are available, they often do not sell as well as they should. This consumption trend has created a vicious circle: consumers buy unhealthy food, leading to frequent health problems such as obesity and malnutrition; and health problems further contribute to the consumption of healthcare resources, increasing the burden on society. This vicious circle not only affects the health of individuals, but also poses a threat to the economic development and social stability of society as a whole.
In the quest for holistic nutrition and health, we need to not only focus on consumer behavior, but also change the products available on the market at the source. This includes not only increasing the overall availability of healthy products in food retail and cafeterias, but also the need for producers to actively innovate by developing or improving existing products to make them more nutritious.
Food Boost Challenge
Working closely with knowledge institutions, business partners, governmental and non-governmental organizations, students are encouraged to come up with ideas to make healthy eating more appealing and accessible. Through the Challenge, Food Valley Holland hopes to identify and support innovative healthy eating projects that have market potential.
VIPS Pilot Project
The VIPS Pilot Program is a personalized nutrition practice driven by a multidisciplinary alliance. The program consists of selected Personalized Nutrition (PN) partners that aim to gain a deeper understanding of the customer's consumption journey in a mass market environment. Through in-depth research and analysis, the VIPS program strives to help participants practice healthy lifestyles and test the commercial potential of personalized nutrition programs in the marketplace.
Personalized Nutrition Definition Fitted to the Ecosystem
Food Valley Holland has joined forces with experts and relevant institutions to produce a report and document on personalized nutrition, which clarifies the definition and importance of personalized nutrition. Personalization serves as a solution that enables consumers to choose and adapt their dietary plans to their needs and preferences, leading to a healthier lifestyle.
Reducing obesity and malnutrition
Obesity and malnutrition are among the serious challenges facing the world. Food Valley Holland is actively addressing these challenges through walkathons, the development of anti-obesity business programs for adolescents, and personalized meal customization, as well as accelerating innovation in personalized nutrition.