
Behind a 24-year "two-way run"

On May 18-19, the first Nanjing University New Technology Alumni Development Conference and 2024 "Nanjing Talent Day" Gulou Special Event were held at Nanjing University Gulou Campus and Gulou Hi-tech Zone. During the event, a group of world-renowned and industry-renowned NU alumni gathered in Gulou. 

Gulou Hi-tech Zone signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the New Technology Alumni Association of Nanjing University, and the Organization Department of the Gulou District Committee and the New Technology Alumni Association of Nanjing University held a ceremony to unveil the "Yan Hui Talent Co-Education Base".

One is a Chinese university in the "first square", one is the province's administrative region in the "first good area", the two hand in hand, is the fate of the underworld, but also "two-way run to"! The heart of the unspoken. When the hands of time dialed back to 2001, Gulou District and Nanjing University jointly initiated the establishment of a university science and technology park, creating a "government nine schools" precedent. Since then, the two sides have written a 24-year-long "NU-Gulou" school-land integration "development book". Now, this "book" has turned a new page again.(in the) past"Hundun aroma" into the students "memoirs"nowadays"Hundun aroma" brings out the "new flavor" of development

No.22 Hankou Road is the "spiritual totem" of the students of NU, and also the "life station" of generations of NU alumni. The small pavilions on both sides of the road have hooked the taste buds of passing diners and accompanied the exciting youth of "Nanda adults". "Once upon a time, drinking a bowl of small wontons in front of the South Park when returning from the evening study hall was the most unforgettable memory of my university days." said a NU alumnus. A Nanda alumni said.

The years go by in a hurry, the feelings remain the same, the gentleman travels the world, the hometown is attached. For the alumni of NU, no matter how far they go, Gulou and Nanjing are always the harbor. Nowadays, this "harbor" is using its own way to let the memories extend, so that the "wonton" floating out "new flavor", and youth "dance"! "and add "brilliant colors" to the development.

In 2021, at that time, with the 120th anniversary of NTU approaching, the surrounding environment of the Gulou campus was in urgent need of renovation and upgrading.

Nanda demand, Gulou will respond - launched the implementation of comprehensive improvement of the environment around the South University, through micro-remodeling, micro-renewal, micro-decoration, micro-enhancement, implantation of slow-moving friendly, intelligent technology concepts, so that the streets and alleys are visible everywhere in the "Nanda elements", reflecting the "embroidery". "Embroidery work". Since then, Gulou District held a design competition for the door head of the commercial tenants around the South University, nearly 100 students of the University of the South actively participate in the cooperation between the school and the local collision of inspiration, hand in hand to dress up the surrounding environment, to retain the city's "imprint".

Nowadays, the smell of wontons is still the same, but Hankow Road, Jinyin Street, Tao Gu Xincun, Qingdao Road has long been refreshed. Colorful graffiti walls, fashionable and trendy "container"...... historical heritage and modern atmosphere interact, fireworks and romantic sense of both, a street exudes youthful vitality and creativity, and every corner is flowing with literature and innovation, a leading A youthful energy field and trend gathering place leading the new style of consumption is accelerating its formation.

"Take Jinyin Street for example, it has delivered a consumer refreshment and urban renewal, and the many forms of artistic display have shaped a new artistic life scene." Jia Pengfei, associate professor of economics at Nanjing University Business School, said.

Now, the new "color" is embellished with a more brand-new future - Su Zhe Stadium underground parking lot will soon be put into use, the small powder bridge and other surrounding streets will also be out of the circle one after another. The brand new image is showing the "Gulou Charm" to welcome the return of alumni from all over the world.


(in the) past"Road to the Future" with "Interscholastic Competition"nowadaysPaving the "Win-Win Road" with the "School-Land Competition"

In Gulou District, Nanjing Three Hundred Clouds Information Technology Co. Founded by Xu Wei, an alumnus of Nanjing University Business School in 2014, the company has grown into a national high-tech enterprise focusing on automobile trading and financial digital services, and a specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprise in Jiangsu Province. In addition, the company has been selected as one of the "2023 China Future Unicorn Top 100" and "2022 Nanjing Cultivated Unicorn Enterprises".

"I was fortunate to come to NU to study, participated in the NU MBA Entrepreneurship Competition and won the first place, at that time the project was the prototype of 'Car 300'." A competition helped Xu Wei get the "key" to the "road to the future".

Now, this event to the future is no longer a "one-man show" organized by the school alone, but has evolved into a "hand in hand" between Gulou District and NTU.

In 2020, 2022 and 2024, Gulou District, together with Nanjing University, has organized three sessions of "Reed Cup" Global Alumni Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, attracting more than 1,000 high-quality entrepreneurial projects from home and abroad, and paving a "win-win road" of school-local integration.

It is understood that the finals of the tournament project valuation cumulative total of more than 100 billion yuan, access to investment and financing amount of nearly 6 billion yuan, a number of projects in Gulou took root, blossomed, and became the strongest to promote the development of regional innovation-driven "force".

"Nanjing is the root of NU's development, and the two sides have launched in-depth cooperation in the fields of scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation, urban development and cultural construction, realizing mutual sharing of resources and common development." Zou Yajun, Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Nanjing University, said that looking to the future, NU looks forward to continuing to work together with the People's Government of Gulou District to build a tripartite platform of co-creation and win-win situation among the university, localities, and alumni, and to help entrepreneurial talents to land in Gulou and take root in Nanjing.

"Help entrepreneurial talent to land", this is what NTU wants and what Gulou expects.

For example, a young alumnus of NU is connected with Gulou through the "Reed Cup", and then rooted in Gulou, plowing in niche areas, dedicated to empowering the industrial ecology of agricultural product circulation with digital technology, and promoting the improvement of agricultural product circulation structure with the intelligent supply chain synergistic model, and was selected as a high-level talent in Nanjing, and has obtained more than 1.7 million yuan in financial support. He has been selected as a high-level talent in Nanjing and has received more than 1.7 million RMB in financial support.

Behind this is the government, the park's ingenuity and careful "irrigation". The relevant person in charge of Gulou District said: "We encourage the progressive development of talents with real money, each talent is equipped with a 'one-to-one' talent butler, integrated to provide 'the whole chain of matters', 'all-round life care', 'the whole cycle of enterprise development' and other exclusive services for talents, so that more and more people will have a good time. 'Concerned about the full range of life' 'full cycle of enterprise development' and other exclusive services for talents, so that more talents in Gulou peace of mind entrepreneurship, comfortable life."
