
Accelerate the cultivation and formation of new quality productivity with innovative hard power

Accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance

It is the way to promote high-quality development

March, July last year

General Secretary Xi Jinping in two important speeches

Jiangsu puts forward "four in front" and "four new" major tasks

It's all about technology and innovation at the top of the list

a year on

Nanjing is fully committed to building


Main Carrying Area of Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Center

In the global ranking of Nature Index 2023 - Research Cities, Nanjing rose to 6th place, and in the ranking of National Innovative Cities Innovation Capacity Evaluation Report 2023, Nanjing ranked 4th in the country.

On-site return visit

In the Purple Mountain Laboratory.

6G research team to carry out key core technology research

On July 6 last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Nanjing, where he came to Zijinshan Laboratory, walked into the exhibition hall and 6G integrated laboratory, and learned in detail about the promotion of major scientific and technological tasks and other circumstances. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that now the rapid development of information technology, subversive technologies may appear at any time, we must take a pragmatic and solid path of innovation, in order to achieve a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

Let's make a return visit along the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit.

Upon entering the laboratory building, the 6G integrated laboratory is busy. In order to realize the comprehensive verification of 6G's key performance indicators as early as possible, the 6G research team is busy carrying out air port calibration and coherent cooperative transmission tests, and has completed the collection of key test data and test data analysis, the results of which will provide important support for the further improvement of 6G's spectral efficiency.

In accordance with the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and after the quiet work of many technicians, Zijinshan Laboratory has established the industry's first 6G laboratory, initially built a 6G end-to-end experimental platform, and the real-time transmission rate of 6G photonic terahertz communication has been increased from 400 Gbps to 1 Tbps, which has once again set a new world record. The laboratory also broke through the large network operating system, millimeter-wave terahertz communication and core devices, endogenous security DPU chip and a series of key core technologies, the results of which are applied in a number of national key industries.

Innovative breakthroughs can not be achieved without talent. In the laboratory, the scientific researchers present both gray hair of the older generation, but also the stature of the "70", "80", and many young talents. Nowadays, Purple Mountain Laboratory has formed a high-level scientific research team of more than 1,000 people, the proportion of PhD researchers reached 40%, 25 postdoctoral station, with four academicians of the two academies of sciences, more than 70 national and provincial-level high-end talents. Take communication technology as an example, there are three generations of R&D talents including You Xiao Hu.

The Year of Nanjing

Carrying the responsibility of the main carrying area of the industrial science and technology innovation center

In accordance with the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, Nanjing has firmly grasped the major requirements of "walking in front and being a model", and tightly focused on the major tasks of "four walks in front" and "four new". The city of Nanjing has achieved initial results in promoting the construction of the main carrying area of the industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence.

East of Nanjing, Kirin Science and Innovation Park. An "information high-speed train" is speeding out, and its urban arithmetic network solution, as a scientific and technological achievement fostered by Nanjing, has been radiated to Zhengzhou and other cities, supporting domestic research institutes, universities and smart computing companies to train more than 10 tens of billions of large models. Aiming at the major scientific and technological problems in the field of long-term energy storage, the construction of the international first set of "100 MW advanced compressed air energy storage technology research and development and integration validation platform" is also in full swing, and is expected to be officially put into operation in 2025.

Accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance is to promote high-quality development of the road. Nanjing layout construction of a number of major scientific and technological infrastructure projects, are focused on China's key core technologies, "neck" field, known as "the weight of the country". "The platform chose to settle in Nanjing, mainly focusing on the obvious advantages of Nanjing's location, strong radiation; many universities and research institutions, outstanding talent advantage; the innovation atmosphere is active, support and cultivate strategic scientific and technological strength of the policy of the force early, strong." Chen Haisheng, director of the National Energy Large Scale Physical Energy Storage Technology Research and Development Center, and head of the energy storage team of CSC Nanjing Future Energy System Research Institute, introduced.

Basic research breakthroughs ignite the engine of original innovation, how to make the road to industrialization smoother? At the end of last year, Nanjing was approved by the pilot implementation plan for the reform of scientific and technological talent evaluation, continue to deepen the reform of the science and technology system, explore the establishment of "decentralization and unbundling" of the special zone for human resources and scientific research, and as a whole to promote the reform of the science and technology system, science and technology policy innovation and the integration of scientific and educational resources, innovation and entrepreneurial vitality continues to burst.

"Seeds are the foundation for agricultural modernization, and the national seed industry must be brought up." General Secretary Xi Jinping on the revitalization of the seed industry in mind, since the 18th Party Congress, has repeatedly made important instructions.

In Nanjing, there is a laboratory specializing in seeds. "Our Biological Breeding Zhongshan Laboratory is a scientific and technological innovation platform in the field of seed industry built up against national laboratories." Yi Zhongyi, president and party secretary of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, introduced. Founded more than a year ago, Zhongshan Laboratory has aimed at the seed industry's major technological research to start a number of scientific research projects. on February 4, Xuanwu District and the Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences signed the "Biological Breeding Zhongshan Laboratory of new carrier construction cooperation agreement", for the subsequent acceleration of the construction of biological breeding Zhongshan Laboratory laid a good foundation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to strengthen the status of enterprises as the main body of scientific and technological innovation, promote the concentration of innovation factors in enterprises, and continuously improve the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.

In the past year, Nanjing launched the implementation of 2023 municipal major science and technology special declaration, around integrated circuits, new materials and other technology areas accumulated 17 projects, and continued to support enterprises to increase investment in research and development; to science and technology financial service station as a hand, to carry out the "value of discovery", "accompanied by growth", "help take off" three major actions, "Ningke loan" partner banks that year, a total of more than 50 billion yuan for science and technology-based SMEs and other types of innovation subjects issued loans. "In 2023, the number of high-tech enterprises in Nanjing exceeded 10,000, and the number of science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) included in the database exceeded 10,000, and the number of SMEs included in the database exceeded 10,000, and the number of SMEs included in the database exceeded 10,000, and the number of SMEs included in the database exceeded 10,000. By 2023, the number of high-tech enterprises in Nanjing will exceed 10,000, the number of science and technology-based SMEs will exceed 23,000, and there will be 107 new state-level "small giants" specializing in specialties, bringing the total number of such enterprises to 213.

Guo Hongxin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Zhongsheng Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. introduced that through continuous R&D and innovation, from the use of hot rod technology to manage permafrost to help promote the opening of the entire Qinghai-Tibet Railway, to the cold hydrogenation technology to overcome the polysilicon production process of highly toxic, high-pollution by-products difficult to deal with the difficult problem, and today's redevelopment of the core sets of equipment for clean energy, Zhongsheng Technology forms a significant Every three to five years, Zhongsheng Technology will form a major scientific and technological achievement and help the society solve problems with technological innovation.

Promoting scientific and technological self-reliance

Industrial science and technology innovation is the main battlefield


Nanjing will be tightly focused on

Building a globally influential

Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Center Main Carrying Area Objective

Hard power with innovation

Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity
