
Total investment of 22.39 billion yuan! 47 projects signed at the 2023 China (Nanjing) Soft Expo!

  On August 23, 2023 China (Nanjing) International Software Products and Information Services Trade Fair Digital Economy Major Project Signing Activity was held. During the signing activity, 20 representative major projects of digital economy such as SINOMACH Digital Technology Headquarters Project and National 5G Innovation Center Nanjing Project were signed centrally, with a total investment of 12.49 billion yuan.

  With the signing of a number of major projects, the four-day 2023 China (Nanjing) Soft Expo came to an end.It is reported that the current Soft Expo finally reached a negotiation signing 47 projects, with a total investment of 22.39 billion yuan.

  With the theme of "Software Empowering Intelligence and Digital Integration", this year's Soft Expo focuses on the key areas of information technology application innovation, software-enabled manufacturing development, as well as new-generation information technology such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, metaverse, etc., and carries out one theme conference and 22 meetings, forums, docking talks and other special activities. A total of nearly 7,000 visitors registered for the conference.

  Experts, scholars and industry gurus focus on software industry and digital economy, discuss the development of new technologies, new products and new scenes in software industry, gather the surging kinetic energy for the high-quality development of software industry, help the software industry to lead in innovation and promote the digital economy to realize high-quality development.

  During the exhibition, four thematic pavilions were opened offline, namely Comprehensive Pavilion, Digital Economy Pavilion, Industrial Software Pavilion and Meta Universe Pavilion, with an exhibition scale of about 48,000 square meters and a total of more than 600 exhibitors, showcasing the cutting-edge technologies, solutions and excellent cases of the software industry, as well as the practical exploration on the integration and development of the digital economy and the real economy, with an on-site audience of 76,300 people. During the same period, nearly 3,600 enterprises participated in the "2023 Nanjing Soft Expo on the Cloud", with a total of 2,855,000 visits so far. After the conference, "2023 Nanjing Soft Expo on the Cloud" will continue to open, creating a "never-ending" international and domestic software industry exchange and cooperation platform.

  As the first Chinese software city, Nanjing is focusing on building a world-class software and information service industry cluster.In 2022, the business income of Nanjing software and information service industry cluster will be 740.8 billion yuan, ranking first in the province and fifth in the country.

  In the future, Nanjing will take the success of this Soft Expo as an opportunity to continue to carry out investment attraction and project negotiation, accelerate the signing of projects on the ground and construction, further promote the high-quality development of the software and information service industry, accelerate the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power, digital China, and strive to promote the new practice of Chinese-style modernization Nanjing.
