
2023 The Year|Gubu Honglan, the song of development flying out of the waves!

The year is changing, the chapter is new. The brand-new year 2024 is about to set sail.

Looking back at the year 2023, it is a year of excitement and plowing, a year of harvest and joy. Lishui culture and tourism in the new journey to show a new role in the integration of the concept of development to lead high-quality development, culture and tourism and sports work to achieve new progress and important breakthroughs.

On the occasion of the New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, we will launch a series of planning of "2023 This Year" to show the new highlights of Lishui Culture and Tourism's undertakings in this year. Today, let's go into the ancient port of Honglan.

In 2023, Honglan Street closely combined the rich endowment of cultural and tourism resources with the modern tourism economy, and actively organized characteristic cultural, tourism, festivals and events, attracting a total of 3.8 million tourists throughout the year. Culture, tourism and sports work has won a number of national and provincial and municipal level honors. The connotation of tourism products and service supply is constantly enriched, the quality is constantly improved, playing the melody of healthy and high-quality development of culture and tourism industry.


Continuous optimization of regional tourism

In 2023, Honglan Street added new experiential light tourism spots such as Polyester Dynamic - Shenshan Lake Kayak Base, Yue Ye Light Luxury Camping Base, Huize Rainbow Farm, and Zhangtangjiao Serenity Flower Field, integrated cultural and tourism resources in the district, planned and launched 4 four-season boutique tour routes, and completed the safeguard and enhancement work along Shishu Lake to add new tourist hit points.

Polyester Moves - Shenshan Lake Kayak Base

Yueno Light Luxury Camping Base

Wiser Rainbow Farm

Cheung Tong Kok Mid-Levels Flower Field

Continuously improve the agricultural tourism and cultural facilities, enrich the tourism industry, and promote the continuous promotion of Honglan tourism resources, so that "drunken Honglan" has become a household name in the region of rural tourism. Create Honglanbu night market, explore the integration of culture and tourism, the positive practice of night tourism economy, enrich the cultural life of the masses, drive the development of the surrounding economy, stimulate regional consumption, and promote the development of B&B, picking, catering and other industries.

Honglanbu Night Market


Rural lodging upgraded and upgraded

To build the B&B villages of Shankou and Zhangtangjiao, Shankou Village highlights the theme of health recuperation, and creates a four-in-one rural vacation space with accommodation, catering, vacation and meeting services. Zhang Tangjiao Village highlights the theme of rural leisure, linking the surrounding cultural tourism resources, the B&B industry and scenic spots, culture, festivals and other traditional products in depth integration, "B&B +" rural tourism model is taking shape.

mountain cave, hole, village etc

Zhangtangjiao B&B Village

At present, the development of on-line B&B 25, of which 75 rooms, 108 beds in Shanwa Village, Zhang Tangjiao 54 rooms, 93 beds. The two areas have 129 rooms and 201 beds, the largest volume of B&B in the region. Shan Au B&B village 2023 cumulative reception of 12 batches of 757 people at all levels of convalescence and recuperation, 2023 reception of 4,188 casual visitors, realizing revenue of 621,300 yuan; catering and picking and other services indirect income of 489,000 yuan, the year's consolidated revenue of about 1.6 million yuan, the effectiveness of the enrichment of the people is remarkable.

Shanwa Village and Zhangtangjiao Village Hostel

Organize B&Bs to participate in the Nanjing Rural B&B Rating 2023, Zhangtangjiaomitang B&B won the four-star B&B in Nanjing; Shanyuwanya B&B won the three-star B&B in Nanjing.



Zhangtangjiao Mitang B&B





Yamaguchi Kanya Bed and Breakfast


Festivals and Events

The street is rich and colorful in cultural and tourism activities, and has successfully held the Plum Fragrant Tea Opening Tea Festival, Peony and Paeonia Festival, Plum Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Singers' Competition, Square Dance Competition, Basketball Tournament, Picking Season, Mochujukongka Show, and the Harvest Festival, and other activities.

The First Fu Jiabian Plum Scented Tea Opening Festival

2023 Lishui Honglan Tianshengqiao Peony-Paeony Festival

2023 The First Lishui Honglan Plum Festival

2023 The First Lishui Honglan Dragon Boat Race

2023 Honglan's first national k-song contest

Specialized Cultural Performance by the Songtsam Art Troupe of the Murdock Workshop

In conjunction with the completion of the Plum Blossom Festival, the Strawberry Festival and the MeeDoo Music Festival, a total of 3.8 million visitors were attracted.

2023 Lishui Plum Blossom Festival

2023 Lishui Strawberry Festival

2023 10th MIDI Music Festival - Super PRO

Completion of the Lantern Festival, May Day Labor Day, May 4 Youth Day, Mid-Autumn National Day, Chongyang Festival and other thematic cultural performances for the benefit of the people 11 times, while at the same time in the activities of publicity and promotion of Fu Jiabian Plum Blossom Tea, Hong Lan strawberries, beef and other special tourism products and grapes, pears, yellow peaches and other economic and forest fruit commodities to help revitalize the countryside.

Honglan Specialty Tourism Products


Cultural and Tourism Integration to Stimulate Vitality

Combing statistics on the development of temple fairs and folklore activities in Honglan. Carrying out 3 large-scale folk activities (Qingwei Horse Lantern, Majiamiao Temple Festival, Putang Temple Festival), 7 medium-sized temple fair activities (Shenshantou, Tang Village, Xuejia, Feng Village, Cangkou, Gulouan, Honglan Land Temple), and 9 small-scale cultural performances for the benefit of the people, and completing the Nanjing public cultural services for about 927,000 people. Doing a good job of releasing information on the Jiangsu Provincial Public Culture Cloud Platform as well as live broadcasting activities of the Qingmei Festival, Putangqiao Zhishan Temple Festival and Dragon Boat Festival, with a total of 670,000 service trips and 295,000 clicks on the platform.

Qingxu Horse Lantern

Pothang Temple Festival

Do a good job in-depth district-level non-heritage projects within the jurisdiction of the reserve work, complete the Hucun Rolling Dragon Lantern non-heritage project declaration and Fugang Beef Zhou Xianliang non-heritage project inheritor declaration work. At present, the street has successfully declared a total of 2 provincial-level non-heritage arts (Putang Bridge temple fair, Honglan jade belt cake). Municipal non-heritage skills 3 (He Lin Fang Double Dragon, Honglan hand-held chicken, Honglan traditional beef). 4 district-level non-heritage skills (Qingwei Horse Lantern, Honglan Bamboo Weaving Technique, Ruijiatang Snake Dragon Lantern, Hu Village Rolling Dragon Lantern). 4 district-level non-heritage program inheritors (Guo Xiaoming, Rui Yongmei, Wang Wenjia, Zhou Xianliang).

Provincial non-heritage art

Municipal non-heritage arts and crafts
