
The first batch in the country! Lishui here was selected

Recently the National Forestry and Grassland Bureau announced the first batch of important terrestrial wildlife habitat list Jiangsu 14 on the list which Lishui Shishu Lake Wetland Migratory Bird Important Habitat successfully selected.

  Every autumn and winter season, the shore of Shishu Lake becomes a passageway and resting place for migratory birds.On the morning of January 3, the staff of Lishui National Terrestrial Wildlife Epidemic Source and Disease Monitoring Station observed hundreds of trumpeter swans and white spoonbills near the two observation points of Zhongyang Village and Zhujia Village (Battling Heavenly Polder).

  The main protected animals in the important habitat of migratory birds in Lishui Shishu Lake Wetland are: oriental white stork, wild goose, white-fronted geese, trumpeter swans, etc. The main form of protection is the Provincial Wetland Park of Shishu Lake in Lishui, Jiangsu Province. The wetland park is dominated by Shishu Lake within Lishui District, with vast waters, blue waves, mountains dotting the lakeshore, charming and spectacular scenery, a typical lake wetland ecosystem, which nurtures rich animal and plant resources, is the habitat of many fish and birds, and is a representative lake wetland in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is of high conservation value.

Oriental White Stork

wild goose with white forehead

swan goose

 What's more surprising is that in January 2023, the Danding Crane flew into the Lishui section of Shishu Lake to spend the winter, which is the first time that the Danding Crane has been found wintering south of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu. Observation data in the past three years show that the number of oriental white storks, a national-level protected animal in Shishu Lake, has increased from single digits to hundreds year by year.

 Since 2022, a total of 117 species of wild birds of 14 orders and 40 families have been monitored in the Shishu Lake area, including three national Ⅰ-level key wild birds such as black-faced spoonbills, oriental white storks, and danding cranes; 14 national Ⅱ-level key wild birds such as trumpeter swans, trumpeter swans, wild geese, white-fronted geese, white spoonbills, as well as about 100 species of "three-haves" (ecologically important, scientifically and socially valuable) wildlife. "wild animals (with important ecological, scientific and social values).

The transformation of Shishu Lake into a paradise for migratory birds can not be separated from the all-round environmental protection of Lishui District from the water body to the shore.By the end of December 2020, Lishui completed the fishermen's retirement of the Shishu Lake water system in its territory, realized the year-round ban on fishing in the Shishu Lake and the Qinhuai River system that connects with it and set up a special team for the ban on fishing work and the linkage law enforcement center, the fishery administration to help the patrol team, set up the intelligent fishery monitoring system and build a four-level grid supervision network of the city, district, town and street and the community (village). ) four-level grid supervision network. At the same time, with the surrounding Dangtu County, Bowang District and other neighboring counties signed the Yangtze River fishing ban collaboration co-management, Shishu Lake water quality year by year.

 In addition, a total of three monitoring routes are set up along the shore of Shishu Lake to carry out daily manual inspections of wildlife, while 24 wildlife digital monitoring machines are set up along the shore to carry out real-time monitoring, constituting a point-line-plane combination of a rationally laid out and well-organized wildlife monitoring network system.
