
Here, 1000 Nanking are hidden!

The mountains have bones in the deep fall, and there is no trace of frost on the water.

Today, we welcome

The last of the fall season



Autumn colors on all the trees, and the sunshine on all the mountains.

With a foot in the gold and a foot in the blue.

The sky is clear overhead.


Late fall seems to be favored by all seasons

in all one's splendor

It's as charming as an autumn day.

And the smell of books in Jinling.

October 31, 2019

Declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Nanjing selected as "World Literature Capital"

A long literary lineage and many masterpieces

Of these masterpieces

Hiding 1,000 Nanking

Nanking, it's worth a good read

The mountains and the waters are entwined in the distance

A cup of tea and a book in front of the window

Wash a pool of emotions

Appreciating the Autumn Years on Earth

The Dream of the Red Chamber

Nanjing is the hometown of Cao Xueqin and the cradle of the Dream of Red Mansions.

In the second year of Kangxi (1663), Cao Xueqin's great-grandfather, Cao Xi, was appointed as a weaver in Jiangning, and his family moved to Jiangnan.

Dream of Red Mansions has a close relationship with Nanjing; the book's "Stone City" and "Jinling" are all aliases of Nanjing; many of the novel's plots, characters and landscapes are based on Nanjing.

"Literary Heart Diao Long

Wenxin Diao Long (文心雕龙) is the first monograph on literary theory and criticism in Chinese history.

During the late Qi and early Liang periods of the Southern Dynasty, the later well-known literary theorist Liu Fo completed China's earliest monograph on literary criticism, Wenxin Diao Long, at the Dinglin Temple on Zhongshan Mountain in Jiankang (present-day Nanjing).

In Liu's view, "literary heart" means the heart and intention of an article, and "carving a dragon" means that when writing, one should be as delicate and subtle as carving a dragon's pattern, in order to create a good and useful article.

The Idle Moods.

Li Yu's life was seventy years long, except for his hometown, Nanjing was the place where he lived the longest. The Mustard Seed Garden, located in present-day Laomendong, is the Jiangnan garden built by Li Yu in Nanjing.

He loves every bit of life, and knows how to find and enjoy happiness in ordinary life; his aesthetics also starts from the concrete and small things, a house, a window, a kind of utensil, a tree, and even a fragrance of flowers, all can bring him a long aesthetic interest.

Idle Affair is a summary and distillation of his life's experience in art and living, and was called by Lin Yutang "a guide to the art of living for Chinese people".

The History of Confucianism

In 1733, Wu Jingzi moved to Nanjing and lived in the "Qinhuai Water Pavilion" near the Huaiqing Bridge. It was here that he wrote his famous satirical novel "The History of the Confucian Forests".

While revealing the social reality, Rulin's History also demonstrates Nanjing's profound cultural traditions and regional culture, leaving behind an incomparably vivid picture of Nanjing's cityscape in the Ming and Qing dynasties for future generations.

In "The History of Confucianism", his Du Shaoqing has a heartwarming love story - when his wife asked Du Shaoqing: "The court asked you to become an official, why did you pretend to be sick and not go?" Du Shaoqing responded, "You are so dull! Put Nanjing such a fun place, leave me at home, spring and fall, with you out to see flowers and eat wine, not happy."

Zhu Ziqing, Nanjing

In 1934, Mr. Zhu Ziqing, a famous essayist, poet, and scholar, wrote a beautiful essay "Nanjing" which has penetrated into the history of modern literature and the history of Nanjing's cultural dissemination.

In the article, Zhu Ziqing briefly and comprehensively introduces the ancient and modern attractions and features of the capital city of the ten dynasties, narrating the story in a fascinating manner and giving people a clear and deep impression of Nanjing's rich history and culture.

"I advise you to go up to the Jixing Temple, it is best to choose a drizzly day or moonlit night. In the haze, only brewed that a wisp of the ancient flavor. You sit in a row of bright windows of the exclusion of the Meng building, eat a bowl of tea, see in front of the pale winding Taicheng. Outside of Taicheng, the clear and desolate Xuanwu Lake is like a painting by Da Polyester. The rows of windows on the Exempted Monument are arranged most thoughtfully, allowing you to see a little too much and a little too little."

--Excerpt from Zhu Ziqing's Nanjing

Lu Xun's Trivial Records

Nanjing was the place where Lu Xun studied in his youth, and it was also the starting point for him to change his name to "Shuren" and accept the enlightenment of new ideas. The four years he spent studying and living in Nanjing are recorded in the article "Zojian", in which the scenery of the ancient city, campus life, and social insights are colorful and profound.

"As soon as you enter the Yifeng Gate, you can see its twenty-foot high masts and smoke passes of unknown height, and the homework is simple, almost four full days of English and one full day of Chinese in a week ...... "; "Huxley is alone in a room, in the English Huxley was alone in a room, in the south of England, facing the north mountains and the wild, with all the realms outside the threshold, as if he were under the machine. He wondered what he had seen here two thousand years ago, before the arrival of the Roman general Caesar. The only thing I can think of is that the sky was made of grass ......."

--Excerpted from Lu Xun's "Zuo Ji

From exposure to Western learning to observation of society, from diligent pursuit to the stirring up of turbulence and purification, Nanjing, a major town in the Southeast and a cultural capital, opened a window to the world for Lu Xun, and became the first station for him to continuously explore new knowledge and move towards the battlefield of life.

The distance to the world is never far

Between the pages of a book

I've traveled thousands of miles.

late autumn

Let's indulge in a bookish city!
