
2021 Development Zone Entrepreneurs "Smart Camp" Phase I - Energy Saving, Consumption Reduction, Green Development

  On October 28, in order to better serve the enterprises, Nanjing Lishui Development Zone Economic Development Bureau held the first salon activity of 2021 Lishui Economic Development Zone Entrepreneurs' Smart Camp in Lishui District with the theme of "energy saving, green development". Attending the event were Cheng Min, deputy director of Lishui District People's Congress Standing Committee and secretary of Party and Work Committee of Lishui Development Zone, Liu Jia, deputy director of Nanjing Lishui District People's Government, Zhai Xiaoli, director of Management Committee of Lishui Economic Development Zone, and responsible comrades of Lishui District Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform and Development Zone, as well as representatives of enterprises and sharing guests.

  At a time when the whole society is striving to realize zero-carbon economy, green economy, and trying to ease the tension of energy supply, we strongly advocate that enterprises in the development zone should do "energy saving, green development", create a good atmosphere of energy saving and ecological environment protection, and be a green pioneer. Mr. Zhai Xiaoli, director of the management committee of Lishui Development Zone, made a speech on the stage, in which he could see the necessity and urgency of energy saving and green development.

  Zhang Qi, deputy director of the Economic and Development Bureau of the Administrative Committee, read out the initiative letter of "green first, light up ecological Lishui", and together we will be the demonstrator of scientific energy saving, the practitioner of green life and the spreader of energy saving concepts.

  Cheng Min, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Lishui District People's Congress and secretary of the Party and Work Committee of the Development Zone, and Liu Jia, vice mayor of the People's Government of Lishui District, Nanjing, performed the unveiling ceremony of the Development Zone Enterprises Green Development Alliance. In addition, the two witnessed the signing ceremony of Oteng Energy Technology Development (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. with Jiangsu Benchuan Intelligent Circuit Technology Co.

  Hao Xiaochong, Director of Nanjing Energy Conservation Review Center, delivered a keynote speech on "New Requirements and Paths for Promoting Energy Conservation and Reducing Consumption under the Double Carbon Goal", which brought new inspiration and thoughts on energy conservation and emission reduction, lowering energy consumption, and practicing green development with wisdom and innovation.

  Zhang Minhui, representative of Oteng Energy Technology Development (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and Tian Yu, representative of Skyworth Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. conducted project roadshows respectively, explaining their corporate products, development plans, financing plans, etc.. Otten Energy is a technology, equipment and service provider dedicated to the energy and chemical industry, providing customers with products, systems, services and a full set of solutions, the core technology and Siemens Energy depth of cooperation, and has its own R & D patented equivalent technology. Otten Energy has special competence and insights in carbon reduction in chemical industry, which makes it an ideal partner for enterprises to reduce carbon emissions.

  Ltd. and ASEAN Electric Group Nanjing Co., Ltd. made speeches on "photovoltaic energy saving" and talked about their respective environmental protection experiences.

  Subsequently, the entrepreneurs attending this theme activity carried out exchanges and interactions, shared their experience in energy conservation and green development, and jointly explored the road to sustainable development, and used exchanges and interactions to drive the development of a stable and far-reaching.

  Finally, the relevant leaders and entrepreneurs visited the laboratory and exhibition hall of A.O.Smith (China) Environmental Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. to learn about Smith's road to energy-saving development, and 2021 Lishui Economic Development Zone entrepreneurs' "ZhiZhuang Camp" enterprises took photos with the leaders to open the "Smart Camp" series of activities organized by the enterprises as the host in a variety of formats to explore the way of development. The "Smart Camp" series of activities organized by enterprises as hosts to explore the way of development. Energy saving and consumption reduction need the joint efforts of entrepreneurs, this salon activity brings new thoughts on sustainable development, jointly advocate energy saving and consumption reduction, and strive to build a green and efficient eco-park, "Smart Camp" theme activities will continue to be launched in Lishui District, with different themes to meet different enterprises, and meet a bigger and better stage in Lishui District. Stage.
