
2021 Nanjing Lishui Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Industry and Equipment Digitization Production and Demand Matchmaking Meeting held in Lishui Development Zone

  On the morning of December 9, 2021 Nanjing Lishui Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Industry Promotion and Equipment Digitization Production and Demand Matchmaking Meeting was held in Lishui Development Zone. Lishui District leaders Zhang Decai and Liu Jia attended.

  At the meeting, Zhang Decai, standing committee member and deputy mayor of Lishui District, made a speech, saying that intelligent manufacturing is the main direction of future manufacturing development, and digital transformation is the necessary way to realize intelligent manufacturing. Lishui District will further accelerate the construction of infrastructure such as 5G base stations, drive the digitalization of various industries to improve with the digital transformation of the park, closely follow the development needs of enterprises, and comprehensively promote the digital transformation of enterprises in terms of policies and talents. We hope that entrepreneurs will base themselves on the opportunities of digital transformation, firmly grasp the policy dividends of Lishui Manufacturing Quality Development Pilot Zone, actively carry out enterprise digital transformation, and jointly help the construction of Lishui "Famous Manufacturing City".

  Liu Jia, vice mayor of Lishui District, introduced the transportation location, ecological environment and industrial foundation of our district. He said, Lishui's intelligent manufacturing equipment industry is booming, warmly welcome you to invest in Lishui, Lishui District will always adhere to the concept of "pro-business, secure business, rich business", adhere to the all-weather, non-discounted, unconditional "shopkeeper" and "emergency doctor" type service, fully support the majority of entrepreneurs and the people of Lishui together, fully support the majority of entrepreneurs and the people of Lishui together with the "emergency doctor" type service. We will insist on round-the-clock, non-discounted, unconditional "shopkeeper" and "emergency doctor" type service, fully support the entrepreneurs to work together with Lishui people to climb the new peak of career development and create a better new future together.

  In recent years, Lishui District has insisted on empowering industrial development with digital, and by accelerating the integration of digital technology and advanced manufacturing, it has endeavored to seek breakthroughs in the industrial system, innovation ecology and business environment. Combined with the region's industrial policy and the development of the intelligent equipment industry, Lishui Development Zone takes the initiative to plan, set up a task force, integrate capital empowerment, strengthen policy support, build a gradient cultivation mechanism through the whole life cycle of enterprise development, and build up a mechanism for upgrading the quality of the regulation, digital transformation, pioneering and innovation, green development, and setting up a benchmark, so as to promote the enterprises to be from small to large and from large to strong and to comprehensively push forward the upgrading and upgrading of the intelligent manufacturing industry. Last year, Lishui Development Zone held four special promotional meetings for intelligent equipment industry chain in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other places, and signed a total of intelligent manufacturing equipment industry chain projects.78Number, amount of investment171.56hundred million yuan. At present, Lishui Development Zone has gathered power equipment and automation equipment enterprises represented by Zhengrui Electric Power and Dilong Heavy Machinery, and industry chain supporting enterprises represented by Ruo Sheng Electromechanical, totaling132Home.

  At the docking session, a total of 12 industrial projects were signed. Subsequently, Mitsubishi Electric Automation (China) Co., Ltd, Sany Heavy Industry Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute and other six SMEs responsible for bringing enterprise transformation typical case sharing, for the participants brought a rich feast of intelligent manufacturing applications.
